Medium Massacre

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The others looked around.  Riana twitched suddenly looking around.  "Look there they are!" Exclaimed Collins.  Marc and Ben finally rejoined the group, but they both looked as white as a sheet.  "What's going on?" Asked Josephine.  "The death challenge message.... It demanded Elizabeth and Riana because it claims the mediums must die" added Ben gulping.  "But...I am not... Considered a medium... By title" added Riana.  "You're the next closest one to me though" stated Elizabeth. 

Riana confession booth: "Whoever... Called me... A medium... Deserves revenge".  "My.. Skills.. Are.. Not.. Exactly the same". 

The duo were told what room Marc and Ben saw the message in and they walked to it.  However on arrival the whole room had transformed into this foggy, dim lit, victorian era like fortune teller room.  "Altered for the two of us" added Elizabeth.  "Clearly... So" added Riana.  They approached this room that concealed a crystal ball that glowed with a deep hellish red light.  "Aaaaannnd demons" stated Elizabeth.  Riana narrowed her visible eye. 

"It's plagued... For us" added Riana.  They grabbed the challenge notes reading that they had to do a pair of seances to summon the demon mob's two top hit men.  "Loser gets punishment from the dealmakers of hell" read Elizabeth.  "Perhaps we better stay alert, let's get started" added Riana.  The duo separated out and began their runs to save themselves.  Elizabeth gulped since she didn't know what Riana could do.  Riana was not even focusing elsewhere just on her task.  "Sheesh not one to chat" added Elizabeth. 

Elizabeth confession booth: "Ok that was dumb of me to say".  " Riana is the wizard known for not saying much".  "Course she's not going to make conversation".  "But clearly she and I are going strong at this challenge that I don't even know who will win". 

The duo got the first one running and did it causing a demon to appear.  "Azriel demon general of air" read Riana at the research.  "Dagon demon general of water" added Elizabeth checking her demon she summoned.  "That means we have different demons" added Elizabeth.  Riana raised an eyebrow now looking curious.  The duo worked on the second séances.  "Come on come on" added Elizabeth.  Riana silently worked.

Riana confession booth: "Elizabeth... And myself... Two illusionists with.. Dark arts".  " however... It does look... As if she... And I got different demons ".  *" shows the duo finishing the set ups while Riana talks "*.   She.. Talks a lot... To focus.   I don't... My work requires silent preparation.  *"back to Riana talking"*.  I know... Everyone claims I'm not... Freaking out.   I.. Am inside. 

The duo started their spell casting but Riana had a faster reaction.  With the group though Tyler suddenly held his head.  " Tyler what's wrong? " asked Jesse.  "Tyler what is it?" Asked Collins.  The group suddenly got blinded by orange flaming light and it vanished leaving no sign of Tyler.  "¿A dónde fue él?! ¡¿Qué luz era esa ?! Tyler !!!!!" [Where did he go?!   what light was that?!   Tyler!!!!!] Exclaimed Solange.  "He just disappeared in fire!" Exclaimed Shin.  Everyone was freaking out. 

Ben confession booth: *stunned look on his face*  "What... Did Marc and I send Elizabeth and Riana to do"? 

Marc confession booth: *groans rubbing eyes*   I'm starting to question what death challenge Ben and I subjected Elizabeth and Riana to. 

Josephine confession booth: *freaking out* "Tyler just disappeared in front of us! ".  " In fire of all things! ".  " What the hell is happening?!"

Elizabeth looked seeing Riana had summoned this demon with hellhound ears, tail, claws and glowing orange eyes.  However the face shocked both of them.  "TYLER?!" exclaimed the duo.  "Um... Not exactly" added the hellhound general.  "Zarathos, you were here all along?" Asked Azriel looking over.  Another demon had appeared quietly behind Elizabeth and approached her.  Riana gasped noticing the demon.  "Behind you!!!" She exclaimed.  

Elizabeth turned around and gasped suddenly remembering she still lost.  "Wait wait can't we talk about this, whoever you are?!" She said stepping backwards hoping to escape death.  "Not exactly" added the demon.  The trio gasped recognizing the demon before Zarathos pulled Riana aside.  "That's phantom, he's a more reasonable deal maker, try to convince him a way to keep Elizabeth safe even while she's dead" added Zarathos.  They all gasped seeing Elizabeth get stabbed in the chest and she screamed as phantom absorbed the soul into his staff before the spirit appeared in his orb and Elizabeth's body dropped lifelessly.  "Stop!" Added Riana after phantom turned away starting to leave.  He confusedly faced her. 

"She deserves... Protection".   " They.. Tell me you're reasonable... " added Riana.  Phantom placed a hand on his hip.  "What's it to you?" Asked Phantom.  Riana dropped her doll and pointed at him twitching.  "I.. Demand to make... A deal!" She said.  Phantom was stunned and chuckled a bit.  "All right, what do you propose?" He said. 

(A/n: Cliffhanger!   The rest of the group will be left not knowing who won at the moment.   But Riana is taking a daring approach.  What deal is she going to make?   We'll see.  Anyway hope you all enjoy). 

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