Partnership never dies

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All staying away from the center of the pentagram Riana stayed in front.  She used her own illusion abilities to sense what she could.  "Dark energy... Demon... But I sense a second energy..." She said.  "Wait there's two?" Asked Collins.  Riana gasped a bit.  "Keep Colin down!" She yelled.  "Huh why me?" Asked Colin before he suddenly was energy blasted and knocked to the ground.  "Oh my god!" Exclaimed Collins. 

Riana started screaming in her native language holding up each person's symbol of protection including her own.  The pentagram suddenly stopped glowing almost instantly.  "My money goes that she scared them off" stated Marc after a few minutes of stunned silence.  Colin groaned slowly getting back up.  "What did you mean by keep Colin back?" Asked Mat.  "Oh my god!" Exclaimed Colin suddenly looking to the side of him.  Everyone got confused because they couldn't see anyone.  "He is haunted..." Added Riana. 

Josephine confession booth: "Colin is suddenly freaking out over something invisible".  "Riana says he's haunted".  "Though she also said there were two energies she picked up".   " If Colin is haunted by anyone I'm gonna go with his magician partner and friend Shin". 

"Colin we don't see anyone" added Ben.  "¡Fantasma! hay un fantasma !! ¡Estoy seguro de eso! [Ghost!  there's a ghost!!  I am sure of it]" exclaimed Solange.  "Fantasma would mean ghost?" Asked Colin.  "I guess you could consider that... Got to be a mess with my mentalism too" he said.  Sure enough in his vision only was this specteral form of Shin but he looked almost the same except the eyes were an eerie white.   Everyone was thinking and quickly got out from the room.  "Ok we've got a demon, Colin now cursed by a haunt, so what's our next move?" Asked Marc.  Collins noticed something and picked it up.

"Guys here" he said.  The group looked at him.  "What is it?" Asked Elizabeth.  "The pentagram of death is haunted by the demon known only as Shinigami, it takes souls to be burned in hell, but on rare occasion if someone with a connection so strong were to show up, a soul can slip Shinigami's grasp but not without a cost".  " If the connected victim were dead, the soul won't be back in hell, but will be left aimlessly wandering " read Collins.  Everyone was stunned but then Colin looked to Shin's silent spirit in pity.  "I think I know where this is going" stated Ben.  The others gulped.  

Collins nodded looking back at the info.  "Shinigami will be hunting for someone to take the soul's place, if you wish to keep him at bay, you need to follow these puzzle instructions" read Collins.   He explained the puzzle which were pieces to create a demon barrier that will capture and hold Shinigami long enough until someone loses the upcoming death challenge.  "Ugh here we go again" added Mat.  "Although given Colin can see what we can't take the lead" added Ben. 

Colin confession booth: Haunted by Shin, we're hunted by an invisible demon of death, and because I'm the cursed one I have to lead everyone!   This is a lot for me!  

Colin sighed and with help from Shin's ghost was able to get everyone into this odd castle like interior.  "Oh black as night with torches, perfect for demons" added Mat sarcastically.  Jesse and Tyler gulped staying close with them.   "Let's go, I'll take Solange, Collins and Jesse" added Ben.  Groups split up to complete each task.  Colin looked at Shin's ghost.  "You can't say anything?" He whispered.   Shin finally reacted by mimicking smoke like what escapes his mouth.  

" voice due to smoke like in your magic tricks" added Colin.  Shin nodded a bit.  Each group worked on their tasks before finishing in result.  They freaked seeing all these glowing red lines form into another pentagram.  Ben quickly gathers everyone as they suddenly watched the demon from before suddenly appear in the middle of the symbol, a huge red cage of energy formed around it.   "We got Shinigami!" Exclaimed Elizabeth happily.  "Until death of someone" added Riana. 

Ben confession booth: "We may have caught the demon".  " however Riana is right".  " We can't ever fully escape until we lose someone ".   " This still sucks".

Everyone sighed as an inscription formed on the cage.  "Someone needs to die, but I'm going to make choices myself".  " and one of them is your mentalist " read Ben.  Colin huffed a bit.   "Fine I'll be one of them".   More writing appeared.   " none of you will move as I study each of you... But I can't touch the demon witch " read Ben.  "That means Riana's immune" added Josephine. 

Riana confession booth: "I am left stuck watching as someone will join Colin".  " for once.... I don't know if leaving me out was... The best option ".  *twitches*

(A/n: Finally done with next part.  And death challenge next.  Colin is one.   Riana can't be voted in.  And yet still someone will go.   Anyway hope you all enjoy).  

Escape the Night: Illusion Masters-CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now