Summoning of Joey

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Walking inside a new spot the group looked around. Shin nervously looked around at the spirits all around the place. Ben looked around shivering a bit. "How the hell... Oh" added Chloe looking at Marc. "Yeah I'm in long sleeves I know" added Marc. "Shin you're going to have to be our eyes since we can't see the spectres that you can" added Ben. "I'd rather not be the only one seeing them though" added Shin. He looked to the group.

"I wonder...." He said. He grabbed Ben pulling him aside. "Sorry, borrowing him a moment" added Shin. Ben was confused. "Shin what are you doing?" Asked Ben. "Sorry Ben" added Shin before he had a bit of black smoke leave his mouth and blast in Ben's face. "What the hell Shin?!" Exclaimed Marc. Shin pulled away apologizing, eyes glowing grey.

"Reaper power" added Jesse. Ben rubbed his eyes before he blinked and was stunned suddenly seeing the wandering spirits himself. "He made me able to see the spirits around here" added Ben. Ben headed ahead stunned while the others followed behind. 'This is creepy " added Chloe. The group noticed a door ahead but with Shin and Ben seeing the souls mainly go in and out of it. "Through there" added Ben. He led the group inside before they noticed a whole room designed like something out of The Princess and the Frog with Dr. Facilier.

Marc confession booth: "We're entering this room designed like the enemy in the princess and the frog movie and yet something finally hits me". " There's one factor of voodoo that I don't think anyone.. Well maybe Ben that no one mentioned ". " I had to speak up.

Chloe, Solange and Josephine hugged each other in fear. "Wait... We're facing voodoo magic... And you two are seeing ghosts... Wouldn't that mean they serve a master?" Asked Marc stopping. Solange gasped feeling cold air get worse in the room making everyone look around but Shin and Ben froze. "S .. algo debe haberlos provocado. Marc que hiciste?" [S. Something must've triggered them. Marc what did you do?]. Solange then noticed Shin and Ben frozen.

"Espera, ¿qué están viendo ustedes dos? [Wait what are you two seeing]?" She said. "They're judging you Marc" added Shin. Marc frowned a bit. "I'm.. Sorry?" He said looking around. "They're backing off" added Ben. Shin did the same thing to the rest of the group that he did to Ben so they can at least see the spirits.

Josephine confession booth: "Usually we're told growing up to not inhale smoke. But with what Shin gave us I think this'll count as an exception".

"Wait here..." Added Chloe grabbing a journal. The others joined her. "Here... This seems to be the only entry" added Collins pointing at it. "My spell has gone wrong, the great witch Calico found my hiding place and hijacked my spirits". " She will not give them up easily so I have had to trust a magic I should've never agreed to ". " The alchemist lied to me and I now will be slaughtered come moonlight, this may be my last entry for my life". "If you're reading this, I'm most likely already dead, please someone free my spirits from Calico and make sure they are met by the white wing reaper to join me" read Chloe. Josephine gasped stepping back covering her mouth.

Shin confession booth: "I may not be in the game anymore but doesn't mean I can't help". " And when we heard that entry....Josephine and I knew who this meant we needed ". *looks unsure* " Though...will he actually agree to step in early?".

"Josephine what is it?" Asked Ben. "The entry... I met Joey that way when I got Shin from the realm of the dead" responded Josephine. "But... He said he wouldn't help until the final three, this is sounding like... We need Joey now" added Shin. "Wait, Joey's been turned into a reaper?" Asked Jesse. Josephine and Shin nodded in response. "Well... If he's a reaper.. Then I remember reading somewhere that only a reaper can summon him" added Collins. Everyone looked at Shin and he sighed. "Of course... Cause I'm the only reaper here" he said.

"Let's check if the journal has the way we do it properly" added Ben joining Chloe. The group studied the journal running through pages but didn't catch a group of ghosts merging together behind them into one giant monster ghost. "Wait here, since we're working with reapers a seance similar to what you'd do to talk to the dead will work since reapers are dead souls as well" added Chloe finding it. Jesse was shocked a bit. "Then he must've gained it the same way I did, he was revived but not without a cost" added Jesse.

Marc confession booth: "lovely, we're summoning the dead seance style". "We're getting ready to go somewhere for it and suddenly.... I feel something cold down my neck-" *shows Marc turning to look before he froze* "A huge ghost monster right behind me looking like he was ready to eat someone". " I'm just gutted seeing it ".

Marc alerts the group slowly standing up. " Guys..." He said. The others turned to look and gulped. The monster spirit roared at them making the group scream and run for it. "WHY COULDN'T IT BE A GIANT MARSHMALLOW MAN AGAIN??" yelled Collins referencing Ghostbusters. "THIS ISN'T GHOST BUSTERS!" yelled Chloe. They freaked out running. "In there!" Yelled Josephine noticing a door.

"Let's hope this thing doesn't go through walls!" Yelled Ben. They all dove into the room and slammed the door shut. The beast roared but didn't seem to go through the walls instead it paced staring the room down waiting for any of them to step out. Everyone looked at each other. "Solo haremos la sesión aquí [We'll just do the seance here]" stated Solange. Everyone agreed and began setting it up before Shin got in the middle to lead. On the nod by Chloe the group conducted the seance together causing the entire place they were in to explode in white/grey light. It soon vanished leaving them looking around a moment not seeing Joey.

"Did it work?" Asked Collins.

(A/n: LEAVING AT A CLIFFHANGER! But now more problems to endure. The ideas of voodoo, calico and the summoning reference to haunted house themes so all names belong to the creators of them. Anyway hope you all enjoy).

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