The Power of Hope

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Ben, Marc and Solange panted soon hiding from their captor. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" Screeched Sierra going by. Once she was far away yelling about how she will find them and kill them they got out and ran closer to the lounge soon finding Dania blocking their way with demons. "Horns, tail, burning flaming red eyes, they've hellbent her" added Ben. Solange faced Dania determined and nodded to the guys. "Esta es mi distracción [This one's my distraction]" stated Solange. "Keep Dania busy, well prep the exorcism" added Ben. He and Marc took off while Solange faced Dania.

Dania growled a bit. "¿De verdad quieres hacer esto más difícil? [Do you really want to make this more difficult? ]" she asked in Spanish for Solange. Solange exhaled and started using the flames like she's done in some of her magic. "Sé que no eres tú, Dania. Y te arreglaremos. Pero por ahora ... solo necesito que te concentres en mi [I know this isn't you Dania. And we'll be fixing you. But for now.... I just need you to focus on me]" responded Solange before she blasted the fire on her. She was able to draw Dania and the demon minions to chase her. Meanwhile Ben and Marc were able to locate the supplies for conducting an exorcism and gathered them. "Solange will have to lead Dania right to us" added Ben. "Yeah unfortunately exorcisms aren't possible to perform at a distance" stated Marc.

Ben confession booth: "I know I participate in a side show of freaky stunts and stuff". " None of us even attempt an exorcism like illusion ". " That's already done by creepy magicians that already exist out there ". "But Marc and I doing a real exorcism?". " that's another story".

The duo finished the preparation and set up the trap for Dania. "Now for Solange to do her part" added Ben. They saw her running in with Dania hot on her tail. "Dive Solange!" Yelled Marc. Solange jumped out of the way while Dania was trapped in the pentagram. Ben and Marc quickly performed the exorcism defeating Dania. "The lounge hurry!" Added Marc. The trio took off immediately before hearing Sierra somewhere nearby.

They got in the lounge room and barricaded it right away. "¡La pieza Marc! ¡Ponlo rápido! [The piece Marc! put it in quickly! ]" exclaimed Solange. Marc ran to the box and slipped the last piece in before it suddenly glowed and opened up revealing a three piece gem set. Solange and Ben looked at it confused. "Um why gems?" Asked Ben. "Just take them and let's talk to Joey and Shin" added Marc. They each grabbed one and ran into the optical illusion room closing the door behind them before Joey pulled the trio aside. "Finally we got to you" added Ben.

Joey panted a bit obviously terrified. "Listen up.. Looks like the gem energy I'm sensing from those is strong enough to stop Sierra". "Your friend Shin's busy keeping Colin occupied.... But you guys need to take out the source" added Joey. The trio looked at each other. "The church Chloe described" added Ben. "It's where the book is so it's where we need to be" added Marc. "Joey ... ¿y tú? [Joey... What about you?] Asked Solange looking at him. Ben and Marc looked over concerned.

"Don't worry I'll be helping out from here, but you all need to have the courage and hope to stop that alchemist using Sierra's body" added Joey. Ben had a sudden realization on what Joey said. "Get us at the church" he said to Joey. The trio saw him suddenly have glowing icy blue eyes and teleported them before they reappeared in the church without Joey present.

Ben confession booth: *stunned* "What did we just witness with Joey?"

The trio located the book just how Chloe described it before looking at each other. "Joey hinted at how we win...Marc... Your role... No one is a better voice of hope then you are" added Ben. "Ben puede ser el líder pero tú eres la voz necesaria [Ben may be leader but you are the needed voice]" added Solange facing them. Marc gulped a bit feeling a little hesitant. The duo placed a hand on each of his shoulders. "We got this... It's how we'll escape" added Ben.

Marc confession booth: "way to pressure me guys". "I'm just supposed to be X without all my setup?!". " Where am I going to get that?"

"How am I going to be X and do that when I don't have all my proper set up?" Asked Marc. Solange and Ben each slipped on a jewel. "I'm sure we can figure it out" added Ben. Marc nodded before donning the full X identity and put on his jewel. "Es hora de dibujar a Sierra aquí [Time to draw Sierra here]" added Solange. They all took a position and saw a screen suddenly appear out of no where in the sky with Marc as X displayed on it. "Joey and Shin" added Ben. From where Sierra was she turned noticing the screen and growled, "where are you?!" She snapped.

As if it was already with him Marc's X voice suddenly spoke in response, "You lack the knowledge that is carried by I myself and my two allies, but if you wish to face your loss by hope you can guess where we are". " We're ready for you" added X before the screen vanished. She ran right to the church. "She's coming" whispered Marc. The trio got themselves in position to face her. They saw Sierra burst in before she caught the trio in the same room the alchemy book was in. "Well cornered yourselves in the room I need you for... I'm not sure where to call you stupid or genius" added Sierra. "Nah there's only two geniuses needed here" stated Shin's voice.

The trio looked to see him with these red smoke cards but to their surprise he had a poltergeist transformed Colin with him. "Wait you got Colin?" Asked Ben shocked. "Our dear alchemist here didn't have full control over him.... Probably because I was brought back" stated Shin. Sierra looked dumbfounded finally coming face to face with Shin.

Solange confession booth: *laughs* "¡AY DIOS MÍO! ¡La expresión del rostro de Sierra no tiene precio! En el momento en que Colin and Shin entró en la habitación, ella ... ¡estaba ... en silencio! suena como si no hubiera captado el alma desaparecida porque ya llenó la página de Colin. [OH MY GOD! The look on Sierra's face is priceless! The moment Shin and Colin just walked in the room she... was... silent! sounds like she didn't catch the soul vanished from her control because she already filled Colin's page.]"

"Finish the job guys" added Shin. The trio stood next to each other before Ben held his crossbow and they saw the gems plus the arrow in the quiver currently glow. "I'm the final blow..." He realized. Shin used his red smoke cards first which were able to trap Sierra. Ben looked at her. "Sorry alchemist demon... We may not know your real name... But it's time to release our friends and you let Sierra rest in peace" added Ben. They faced to the book and Ben calmed himself to give full focus before he fired the arrow. It hit the book full force suddenly causing a huge blast of white light to erupt throughout the entire location.

The demon in Sierra screeched suddenly being destroyed while Sierra's dead body was suddenly taken by Joey in secret. Once the light cleared everything seemed transformed to this bright and pleasant location. Ben, Solange and Marc were the first to look around followed by Shin and a reaper transformed Colin who seemed hesitant. "You sacrificed yourself for me... I just returned the favor despite your silver streak you carry now" added Shin helping Colin look around. "Then that's it.... We did it... We're free" added Marc. Solange cheered happily. However the group noticed Joey suddenly return. "Joey what's up?" Asked Ben.

"One last thing I should do for all five of you" added Joey. The group was confused. Joey suddenly used abilities he gained and caused them all to fall unconscious. However all Ben was hearing was a faint echo from Collins?
*"Ben... Ben are you ok? "* Collins was heard saying.

(A/n: Remember when I quoted in the beginning illusion is art of tricking the mind? Guess what? Next chapter proves truth to the matter. SORRY ON THE MEGA TWIST DX! But hope you all enjoy).

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