Wild Wild Wizardry

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(Continuing from the previous parts): Everyone entered into the shop to find the required ammo. "Any particular bullets?" Asked Ben looking at Jesse. "If it's marked with a pentagram that's a bonus" added Jesse. "Fair enough" added Ben. The group started a search for the bullets. Elizabeth and Riana both knew they held advantages due to their styles of magic but everyone needed to try. Tyler and Jesse were searching as well before Josephine got excited. "Here I got some!" She said.

She brought over a small box that contained at least 7 bullets in it. "I'll take that" added Jesse grinning. He thanked her and loaded up the pistol he already wore first before putting in the first shot gun shell. "One more shot gun shell for the gun you all found pieces for" added Tyler. They searched but Collins noticed this cabinet. He studied the puzzle lock before looking at the group. "Colin can you give me a hand here please?" He asked. Colin came over and studied it.

"Ah I see what you mean" he said before working on the puzzle.

Collins confession booth: "I may be a variety magician, but there's even stuff I haven't learned yet". " I mean I'm in a group that has Shin who won AGT and Marc who is the runner up as X on BGT and Riana who won Asia got talent" "And Colin Cloud who may not have won but he's got a mind like the master detective, Sherlock Holmes".

"Got it guys" added Colin. Everyone came over while Collins opened the cabinet. They froze in shock when there was a note instead of the final bullet. Collins took the note out. "What does it say?" Asked Mat. "The Rider needs his bullet, I have taken it to prevent the goal, but I can have someone win it back" started Collins. "Oh no it's gonna say it" added Marc gritting his teeth. "Send two people to face me and I'll take one of their souls" finished Collins making everyone groan.

Shin confession booth: "are you kidding me?". " we have to kill another magician?! "

Ben confession booth: "We already lost Chloe, and now we're supposed to kill another magician". "I could tell immediately on everyone's faces that no one wanted to do it". " and from what Tyler and Jesse looked like, it seemed to be them having obviously PTSD flashbacks from their massacre".

"There um.... There a lounge you all got set up?" Asked Tyler. "Yeah follow us" added Ben. Everyone brought the duo to the lounge room they were in when Chloe was sent to her death in the last challenge. "That means you all are voting again, better choose wisely" added Jesse. Everyone had split up, one group consisted of Marc, Colin, Elizabeth, and Josephine, another of Ben, Collins and Shin, the final being Solange, Dania, Riana and Mat. They started talking among each other to think of ideas. "Look we already shouldn't put Colin in since he was in one" added Marc. "Thank you" added Colin.

"I would say we need someone who can really show their skills, in a wild West setting here and Ben holds the most advantage skill wise" added Elizabeth. "But you and Riana have the advantage to the demons" stated Josephine.

Colin confession booth: "Our group is a bit divided". " We have Ben who can handle the skills of danger related to guns and stuff since the dude can fire a crossbow using a phone camera to fire behind him ". " but we also have Elizabeth and Riana who can easily control the demons ".

Group 2: " Ben this could be an opportunity to show your stuff" added Collins. "You think I should put myself in the challenge?" Asked Ben. "I mean you're more the underdog here but a lot of us need to show we can do it" added Shin. "Let's just do it" added Collins. The trio went and placed their votes.

Collins confession booth: "We're playing strategically here with the votes". " putting Ben into the challenge doesn't just give him the advantage it's a test to be a true leader ". " he's an underdog made as savant".

Group 3: "We all haven't been in the challenge but only Riana holds an advantage" added Mat. "You all have a chance thanks to the ward I drew on all of you" responded Riana. "Votemos a quien sea. ya que todos menos Colin no han hecho un destafío" [Let's just vote whoever. since everyone but Colin hasn't done a challenge] responded Solange. Dania nodded a bit. "She said we should just vote whoever" added Dania. The group agreed.

Mat confession booth: "Dania and Solange make a good point". " Since only Colin has been in a challenge anyone strong or weak is up ". " We should plan accordingly ".

Everyone else placed votes before Tyler shuffled them up. He and Jesse looked at each other before each taking one. "Who's the storyteller?" Asked Jesse showing his first. Dania stood up nervously. "No!" Exclaimed Solange. She tried to grab Dania. "It's ok Solange, if I live you'll see me again, if I die you have illusionists here to keep you supported" responded Dania. Solange sighed and reluctantly nodded.

Tyler checked his next. "The savant?' He asked. Ben stood up and joined Dania. "You better follow me" added Jesse. The duo with Jesse soon had arrived in this new area where demons waited on them. Jesse froze suddenly in shock. "Oli what are you doing here?" He asked. "And what's with the all black getup?".

Dania confession booth: " Why do I have a feeling we're meeting another possessed person? "

" If he's supposed to be a friend of yours I don't think that's him currently " added Ben. "thєч'rє ríght, í'vє tαkєn σlí αѕ mч vєѕѕєl, вut í knσw чσu nєєd thє lαѕt вullєt rчdєr". " í'm nσt hαndíng ít αnd σlí σvєr єαѕílч " stated the evil Oli. "Dania don't worry, at least the demons won't hurt us" added Ben showing the ward on his hand. Dania looked at hers and nodded. "Fight hard you two" added Jesse. "I'll keep evil oli busy". He then changed to the demon form and tackled evil oli.

The duo ran to start their challenge. " Danger tasks and devil spells, let's move " added Ben. The duo started working on each task. They both were fighting, but Ben pulled ahead a bit. He looked at Dania who slowly caught up. "Hang tight Dania" added Ben. "I'm trying but either way one of us isn't escaping this" added Dania. Both kept going until Ben soon finished.

Dania looked at Ben while evil oli stopped. "We have a winner, better a loser". " Dania I'm so sorry! " added Ben scared. "Forget me, keep Solange going strong, she's going to need it" added Dania. Ben ran and grabbed the bullet before tossing it to Jesse. "Jesse do it!" He said. Jesse loaded and fired but Dania stepped back. "You won't win because our magic will overcome all evils" added Dania before a demon broke her ward and she was neck snapped by a demon.

All the rest died and evil oli burst into dust. "An illusion" added Ben. The duo returned feeling bad. Ben grabbed the next puzzle box piece as well. Once the duo got back Solange collapsed saddened. "I've got her" added Marc leaving the room with Solange. Ben walked to the box and inserted the piece. They saw a black energy escape before the sound of thunder was heard.

Collins confession booth: "ok... Thunder". " either we're meeting Thor or we got an issue ".

(A/n: Dania is down. Ten still remain. Anything can still happen. But is this real or an illusion? Anyway hope you all enjoy).

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