Puzzling Predicament.

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Everyone looked around worried.  "Hold on... Tell me again What's happening?" Asked Colin.  "Well apparently someone has trapped us, we have to stop the evil, but a lot of us are gonna die" stated Chloe.  "And because Ben invited us he's considered savant and leader meant to survive" stated Collins.  Ben set his crossbow down nervous.  "I don't know if I'll do it" he said.  Collins pat Ben on the shoulder smiling.  "I'll help you out" he said. 

Shin confession booth: "I'm not to happy on this".  " Cause I mean I have a wife, I know Marc has a wife and kid, and who knows what other families the rest of the magicians have".  

Everyone noticed a nearby light and walked into the room.  "Looks like a lounge" added Elizabeth.  Riana seemed to freeze and slowly cock her head to the side.  "Er... She ok?" Asked Dania.  Riana suddenly faced a nearby chest and slowly lifted her finger to point at it.  "There is... Something evil in there" she said.  Josephine and Marc went over and opened the chest revealing this odd puzzle box.  They set it on the table that was in the lounge. 

Everyone took a look at it.  "Riana what do you mean it's evil?" Asked Ben.  Riana twitched again dropping her doll a moment and came over to the box before tracing these holes it had.  Everyone still got chills just watching her.  "A-a-a-aterradora" [s-s-s-scary] stuttered Solange quietly.  Mat nodded as did Chloe.  Elizabeth though seemed interested with Riana's way of magic.  "They are... Connected to all potential deaths... Planned to occur here" she said pulling away and picking up her doll. 

Dania confession booth: I am scared of Riana.  But knowing the box is scarier. 

Collins confession booth: Riana is known to be one of the spookiest magicians for never breaking character.   I've heard a lot to what she does.   But clearly she's got this connected. 

Elizabeth confession booth: They call my act the haunting, they call Riana the sacred Riana.  Maybe given our similarity style we might do a magic act together if we get out. 

Everyone gulped after hearing Riana.  "Well that's not good, that means there's pieces to get" added Shin.  "And each piece comes with a death" stated Elizabeth.  Collins and Ben quietly discussed something since the duo agreed to work together at the moment with Ben able to be the savant.  They faced the others.  "The pieces may come at a price, but we can't lose sight of the goal, we need to get out of here" added Collins.  "Look, we're all illusionists, it's time we put our skills to work, Colin, you have the perfect skill set to help point the way for our next move" added Ben feeling a bit more confident.  Colin nodded and started doing a study of the lounge. 

"Bring on the modern day Sherlock" added Shin.  "Eh, esto será interesante de ver" [huh, this'll be interesting to watch] added Solange.   Dania helped translate what Solange said for those that got confused.  After studying the room Colin nodded confirming he got an idea.  "I'm gonna keep it simple by saying what we're having to do next lies beyond that door" he said pointing to a door that was behind everyone.  Ben went over and opened it before everyone, except Riana freaked out when they were met by fire blasting at them.  

Mat confession booth: What the hell is with this fire?!   

Ben confession booth: I open the door and we're met by fire blasting at us.  However, once it disappeared we looked to see we're met by-

"Wait a daredevil illusionist stadium?" Asked Chloe.  "This is like my style of escape acts" added Josephine.  Everyone walked in and looked around.  "But it references back to your first act with the motorcycle too Chloe" stated Elizabeth gesturing to one area.  They all still saw fire blasting everywhere.  "Something tells me not everything will be what it seems" Marc said looking around.  

Chloe confession booth: NO SHIT SHERLOCK!  *covers mouth*  Sorry Colin I think I just offended you there.  Um..no shit captain obvious!  There that's better!

(A/N: Finally next part is done.  Like I said before this one will have slower updates since I'm working on my other two stories currently.  But all three will get updates when I can.  Anyway hope you all enjoy).

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