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Virgil's POV

Remy picks me up and I get into the front passenger seat. I break down again, tears running down my face. He buckles me up and hugs me.

He whispers, "I'm taking you home. You don't have to go to school tomorrow if you don't want to."

"Thanks Remy," I say between sobs. I feel pathetic.

"No problem." He pulls away and starts to drive. "Wanna talk about it?"

"What more is there to talk about? He cheated on me with my best friend for three years."

"I know babes. But that's his lost. I never liked Janus anyways. Stole from stores and me. Always lying and vandalizing things with Remus. But at least you have Patton."

I wipe my face with my jacket sleeve, "Yeah but... The whole school will know."

"And that means they will side with you."

I shake my head, "No. I'm the weird emo freak." My voice cracks.

"That's not true. Emo yes. Weird and freak, no."

I sigh and look out the window, "I don't want to talk about it anymore."

"That's perfectly fine."

Time skip

I get home and throw my bag on my bedroom floor. I lay down on the bed and scream into the pillow. I feel pathetic. No I am pathetic. I should have seen it sooner. He never cared.

I hear my phone buzz and look at it. Its from Patton.

Pop-star: Hey kiddo! 😊😊 Are u ok?

V: I'm fine.

Pop-star: Ok! Text or call if u need me! I will always reply! 💙💙💙💙

I send back a thumbs up then put my phone on charge. I lay down and fall asleep.

"Virgil, wake up," Remy says as he pokes my back.


"Wake up I made your favorite. Spider pancakes with ghost shaped chocolate pieces and grape soda with edible spiders in it."

I sit up and smile, "Thanks Remy."

We head to the kitchen and start eating supper. Remy speaks up, "Guess what."

I look at him, "You finally told Emile that you love him?"

"No! I didn't mean to actually guess!" He was blushing a dark red.

"Okay, okay. What?"

"Mom and dad are on their way home. I told them what happened so you don't have to. They also got us presents."

"That's great. It's been so long since we have seen them."

"Yeah. I know. I can't wait."

I hear a knock at the door and Remy answers it. He calls me to the door and I see the two from detention.

Roman Royal, Remus's twin brother. Has short brown hair, dark tan skin, sharp brown eyes, wears a red jacket with a yellow crown, white shirt, blue jeans, and red shoes. Then Logan Berry, black raven hair, sharp dark blue eyes, black framed glasses, fair skin, a black collared shirt, a blue tie, dark blue jeans, and black shiny dress shoes.

Remy leaves to answer the phone that just so happened to ring when we have strangers over. Great.

I feel anxiety creeping in, "Why are you two here?" That's rude. Shoot.

Roman says, "Patton told us you lived here."

Logan said, "Patton wanted us to make sure you are alright. He mentioned he would but had to go train."

I sigh, "Strangers are at my house because my friend asked?"

Logan then says, "Roman is attracted to your friend and wants to-"

"LOGAN!" He was blushing deeply.


Roman looks embarrassed, "We don't even know if he is gay."

I lean on the door frame, "Roman, think of Patton."

"Um... Okay."

"Does anything about Patton say that he is straight? Cause if so he wants me to tell him that. He asked me since he said, and I quote, 'If I make it obvious I'm gay then my soulmate can find me easier', end quote.

Roman cheers, "He's gay!" He jumps up and down.

"But, I would never let him date you."

Roman stops, "What? Why?"

"Don't act like you don't know." I hissed.

"Know what?"

Logan intervenes, "Assuming things will lead to miscommunication. It's best to just explain now."

I growl, "Remus Royal is your brother."

"Yeah so?"

"If your anything like him, your gonna hurt Patton and stab him in the back!" I yell.

"What? I would never hurt someone."

"You just met him today and you wanna date him? Funny. Because it just so happens that I break up with my boyfriend who cheated on me with my best friend who is conveniently your brother."

"That's all a coincidence!" He yells.


Logan intervenes, pulling us apart. I didn't even realize we got close to each other. "Enough. Virgil, Roman is a... What do you call it? He is romantic and easily falls on love. He has no intentions of hurting or betraying anyone. Roman, you should learn to keep yourself together and you can't expect everything to be handed to you or to come easily."

We both go quiet.

Remy comes back, "Sorry to break this up but I have plans. Virgil are you okay with being home alone?"

"Yeah. Wait, what plans?"

Remy turned pink, "None of your business."

I smirk, "Emile and Remy sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-"

"S-shut up!"

I laugh and then remembered the unwanted guests.

"You two can leave now."

Logan nods, "Right. My apologies for coming unannounced and for causing any trouble. Roman, let's go."

Roman huffs and walks off leaving Logan. Logan mutters under his breath and follows him.

"Weird. Anyways I gotta go. Bye Virgil!" Remy rushes to his car.

"Wear protection!" I yell and watch his face fall then go very red. I laugh as he flips me off.

I go back inside and decide to watch a horror movie for the rest of the day. Ignoring my worries. And thinking of Logan for some weird reason.

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