Dating Advice With Roman!

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Logan's POV

I can't believe Roman talked me into this. Right now I am at Roman's house with Patton who is dressed up like Virgil. They want me to flirt with Patton as if he is Virgil. This is dumb. But they won't give me any other choice.

Roman says, "Alright Logan. You approach Virgil and now what do you do?"

I sigh, "Salutations Virgil."

Roman groans loudly and dramatically, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."

"Then what do I say?"

"Hi, sup, hello, hey, what's up, anything but those big words," Roman states.

"Why? I always talk like this."

Patton speaks up, "Your really smart and intelligent which is good but um... Well sometimes it is hard to understand what your saying. Your like a walking dictionary."

"I understand."

Roman says, "Okay. Now let's try this again."

"Hello Virgil."

Patton looks at me, "Hey Logan."

I look at Roman who starts doing hand movements to continue.

"Uh, is school doing well?"

"No. Logan, that's just no," Roman says.

"What is wrong with that," I ask with a sigh.

"He gets bullied and you go to school WITH him. Come on Lo," Roman says acting dramatic once again.

Patton says, "Maybe just be yourself and tell him how you feel."

Roman nods, "That could work."

Patton smiles, "Ask him to the dance in your own special way."

"Bring flowers! Chocolate too! Oh and maybe sing to him!"

I shake my head, "No way I'm singing. I can't."

"Then I will sing in the background," Roman exclaimed.

"No. I will do this my own way with no help. My apologies but I need to do this my own special way," I explain. "I like Virgil a lot and this is all new to me. Roman I understand that you want this to succeed since we have been friends since kindergarten and I have never had romantic feelings for anyone before. But maybe this is the one thing, well many of the things that I should do alone. I don't need Virgil getting weirded out by me."

Patton smiles softly, "Logan, I know that this will work out. Your nice and kind. Very smart and Virgil deserves better then a cheater. I know we have only known each other for two-ish weeks and people say love doesn't happen over night but when it is meant to be it does. I know he is having a hard time moving on and your the key to him getting over Janus and finding the perfect boyfriend for him which is you. But please be careful with him." Its obvious that Patton is very protective of Virgil.

I nod, "I understand and you have nothing to worry about. I will take care of Virgil and show him how much I care for him."

Roman wipes away some tears, "That is so sweet." He grabs a tissue from his red tissue box that has fake gems on it, "I mean, you both are so caring and want the best for him." He blows his nose, "I want love like that."

Patton hugs Roman, "Aw, kiddo! You will find someone, I promise."

Roman looks at me and winks, he acted! He faked cried. Impressive. Roman hugs Patton back, "You really think so?"

Patton nods and smiles happily, "Yeah!"

I smile a little and then hear Remus downstairs. "ROMAN COME HERE! SOMEONE TOUCHED MY ROOM AND I KNOW IT WAS ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS," He yells.

Roman rolls his eyes, "I'm busy! We are doing dating stuff!"

Remus opens the bedroom door, "Dating stuff?"

Roman nodded, "Yeah. Got a problem with it?"

"Nope. Oh yeah if anyone sees Carl let me know."

Patton asks, "Who?"

"My rat Carl."

Patton squeaks and gets on Roman's bed, "Theres a rat?!"

Remus laughs, "Yeah he escaped again. Anyways bye!" He leaves the room and I sigh.

Roman carries Patton out of the house since he was scared half to death and I walked behind them. I turn to them and watch them as they say goodbye, both a blushing mess.

Patton's ride comes and he leaves. I turn to Roman, "You should confess to him."

Roman blushes more, "W-what?!"

"I know you heard me. You two would be a good match."

"Oh uh.... Thanks Lo. I'll think about it."

I nod and decide to take my leave, walking home as I think about confessing to Virgil and getting nervous at the thought. Feelings are complicated.

Thanks for reading! If you have any advice on how I could become a better writer please let me know and if you have any suggestions please let me know!

Have a good day/night!

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