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Tw: Panic attack, S word, and bullying.

Virgil's POV

Logan, Remy, and Patton convince me to go to school. Remy drops me off out front and when I walk inside I already notice people looking at me and whispering.

I put my hood on, look down, and start walking. I hear someone walk towards me and I start walking faster. They push me into the wall, knocking me to the ground. "Slut."

I hold back tears and see someone from the corner of my eye. I don't look up. Scared to see who it might be.

"Virgil, are you alright," Logan asked.

I get up and nod, "Yeah I just fell. I tripped over myself..." I mumbled.

"Alright. We should get to class."

I nod, remembering that we have first period together. We just never talked before. We get to the class and sit down at the same table. Roman and Patton soon join.

I hear some people talking about me and some people throw things so I bury my head in my arms and lay my head down.

I feel some grab my hand and look up seeing Logan holding it as he does his work. I smile and lay my head back down.

Though the bell rings after a while and we have to part ways. Luckily, we have lunch and our last class together. All of us as a group.

As I'm in my second class I'm listening to people talk about me. Right when the bell rings I rush out of the class but bump into someone. I go to apologize but stop when I see who I bumped into. Janus and Remus. Great.

Remus looks at me pushes me aganist the lockers painfully hard, "You ran into us. What do you say?"

I start to shake, "I-I'm sorry."

Janus rolled his eyes, "Right. You go blabbing to your brother and friend about how I cheated on you. Now look at you."

I look down and wipe my eyes some tears falling.

"Aww your crying," Remus teased. He grabbed me harshly, "I know just how to stop that."

Janus watched quietly. His face unreadable. "Remus, we should go."

"What? But-"

"Let's go." Janus grabbed his hand and walks off with him.

I rush to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall. I text Remy and get no reply. I call him over and over again but nothing. I start hyperventilating and my vision gets a little black. I'm curled in a ball in the corner of a stall and having panic attack with no one to help me. Great. I can't stop the bad thoughts and they get overwhelming. At one point I stop thinking and just cry and breakdown.

Logan's POV

Its lunch and there is no sign of Virgil. Patton didn't see him before third period when they usually meet up. We look around and I see Remy with Mr. Picani. He has Virgil in his arms who is crying.

I run over, "Virgil!" He jumps, "My apologies. I was worried."

He buries his face in Remy's chest. Remy sighs, "This won't work. He won't tell me what happened and won't talk at all."

I take a step towards him, "Virgil I'm going to touch you." I whisper and wipe away some tears. "I was hoping you could make it through the day. I want you to be taken care of and have no worries but I forget that I'm not good with people. I understand if you want to leave the school but please try finishing one day."

He looks at me with tired eyes, "Logan I can't." His voice is quiet and small.


"Because no one likes me and they won't leave me alone." He started to cry more.

Remy looks at me, "He is going home early today. You and the other two are allowed to stop by any time. Just call an hour or two beforehand."

I nod, "Noted. Is it alright if we come by after school today?"

Remy thinks for a second, "Its fine. I will be home."

"Alright. Thank you." I leave them and go inform Roman and Patton. They both are free after school so we all decide on visiting Virgil. Hopefully this goes well.

Its after school and we arrive at Virgil's house. Remy let us in and Virgil comes in the livingroom wearing a black hoodie that is bigger than him and can cover his entire body if he curled into a ball.

Patton says, "We don't have to talk about what happened. But if you would like to we will listen."

Virgil looked down, "I don't wanna talk." He mumbled.

"That's okay kiddo!"

Roman speaks up, "Disney movies always cheers me up. Should we put one on?"

Patton nods, "Yes!"

Virgil nodded a little, "Can it be The Nightmare Before Christmas?"

"Of course kiddo!"

I get some popcorn made thanks to Remy and sit next to Virgil who leans on me a little. We start watching the movie.

After the movie Roman was in a good mood since he sang the songs and even got Virgil to sing some with him. Patton got some snacks made and I stayed next to Virgil.

Remy walks in, "Hey babes. So I was wondering if you all wanted to spend the night. I know it's a school night but I think you all should keep working on your group bond. Be that group at school no one wants to mess with. Or at least make some good highschool memories."

Roman smiles, "I love that idea. I'll text my mom."

Patton grabs his phone, "I'll see how my parents feel."

"I can stay. My parents are not home right now so they won't know," I say to Remy.

Remy looks concerned, "Wait, so they left you home. Alone."

"Yes. They do when they have to go on business trips."

"That's awful. Logan you are welcomed here anytime."

"Thank you Remy."

"No problem babes." Remy smiled.

Virgil gets up, "I gotta use the bathroom. Be back whenever."

I nod and once Roman and Patton confirm they can spend the night Remy gets us some clothes that used to belong to him that fits all of us surprisingly.

Highschool is Lame - AnalogicalWhere stories live. Discover now