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Virgil's POV

My parents had to go do something and Remy is working. Which means I'm at home alone and texting the group chat since I'm bored and have nothing better to do.

Patton: But think about it. A pot filled with cookie dough could make a pot cookie. 🤯🤯

Logan: Are you okay?


Virgil: Sure I'm down for it.

Logan: I will assist to make sure none of you burn anything.

Patton: YAY! 😊😀😁

Roman: Hey let's face time!

Patton: Yea!

Logan: If you desire to. Fine.

Virgil: Sure.

Their faces pop onto my screen. Roman is jogging down the road, Patton is baking, Logan is studying, and I'm trying to draw.

Roman says, "I had a fight with Remus so we both went out to let out some steam."

Patton says, "That's not good. I hope everything is okay."

"It will be. He just needs to grow up."

I nod along with Logan. I hear something outside but ignore it.

Logan says, "I'm studying for the exams so I may not talk much."

I freeze, "Exams?!"

Patton giggles, "Kiddo you have got to pay attention in class."

"Oh right... I uh... Totally knew about the exams."

Roman pipes up. "SHIT! I forgot exams are a thing!"

Logan rolls his eyes as Patton giggles. I hear a loud thud, and I yell, "QUIET DOWN!"

Everyone jumps and looks at me, "My neighbors are being loud. They are so annoying."

Patton hums, "Virgil, I thought they moved out."

I freeze, "They did..." I grab my phone and walk outside, "If I die you all witness my death." I say as I look around. "Hello?"

Roman says, "So while you investigate let's talk about something before I die of boredom."

I hear a thud, "That's in my house...!" I go inside. "No one else is home..." I say to my friends. The look of worry on their faces me even more anxious.

"Maybe call the cops...?" Roman suggest.

I peek in my room, "Oh, are you serious?! What the hell man!"

Remus gets off my floor, "Oh hey Virgil!"

"Get the hell out of my house! Wait how did you even get in here?!"

"Your window was unlocked. Anyways do you have any snacks? I'm hungry."

I hiss, "Roman come get your brother out of my house!"

Roman freezes, "You live so far from me how did he-"

Remus grabs my phone and turns it off. He is taller than me so he holds it up in the air. "Remus stop! Why are you here!?"

Remus smiles and grabs the front of my shirt, "The dance. I know how you and Janus didn't work out. But I don't care. I'm making you pay for causing Janus to be yelled at by your friends!" He slams me into the wall.

I fall to the ground, "Shit," I mumble under my breath.

Remus grabs the back of my neck and pulls me onto my feet, "You are so annoying you know that? Oh and Janus showed me the pictures of you in that dress and damn." He purrs, "I should have been dating you instead." He chuckles.

I push him away and run out of my room, heading to the front door only to be stopped by Janus. I'm trapped. I freeze and start to shake.

Janus walks up to me, "This could have been avoided but I do not take kindly to people who cause me issues." He goes to hit me and I move back, barely dodging it.

Remus grabs me from behind, holding my hands behind my back. I start panicking a lot. Remus laughs as Janus smirks.

"Hey!" I hear at the doorway.

I look at the door, "L-Logan!" I choke out between tears.

I have no idea how he got here so fast. We don't live close to each other but I'm not asking questions.

Janus growls, "I'll take care of the nerd, you take care of the emo."

Remus turns me towards him, "I get you old buddy!" He kisses me and I hit him on the chest.

He pulls away and laughs, "Wow your a terrible kisser!" He pins me to the wall as Roman runs in and tackles his brother. They start fighting and Patton helps Logan with Janus. The two push them away and run out.

Logan rushes to me, "Are you okay?"

I spit on the floor, "Why does Remus taste like deodorant?"

"WHAT?!" Roman screams.

"He kissed me and taste like deodorant... Does he still eat that shit? Oh jeez I'm going to brush my teeth and mouth with bleach."

Logan grabs me, "Virgil. I was worried about you don't joke about this." He was serious.

I feel guilty, "I'm fine. Just shook up."

Logan holds me tightly and kisses me. I freeze and kiss him back. This is heaven. We slowly pull away.

Logan hugs me, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

I smile, "Yes."

Patton and Roman awe as they watch. We then organize the house and they all leave.

I still have no idea how they got here so fast but I'm fine and unharmed so I won't ask questions. And even though it happened fast, Logan is dating me now.

Logan is my boyfriend!

Holy shit!

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