UnPrince Charming

208 11 7

Roman's POV

This week sucks! My hair and makeup products got ruined (I blame Remus), Remus has kept me up for the last five nights, and Remus keeps drawing the male part on my script with is very inappropriate and my teacher is getting annoyed with me asking for more copies.

Its Friday and I have to get to rehearsal then meet up with the group for some reason. I don't remember. I'm running on zero sleep and coffee and energy drinks!

It's the end of the last class period and I got some sleep in some classes. I get to rehearsal and it was infuriating! I was called out multiple times AND I kept messing up the words! I'm falling apart! The teacher threatened to replace me! I've never been replaced! EVER! I'm the best actor here!

I walk to the front of the school building. I see the three of them and Patton waves at me with a huge smile on his face.

I reach the three of them and Logan says, "I was wondering where you were."

I huff. "I can't always be on time...!"

Virgil looks at me, "Calm down Princey."

"Shut up, Jdelightful."

Patton gets in involved, "Hey guys! Let's go have some fun."

I nod, "Right."

We all go to Virgil's place and are in his room. Remy is gone once again. He is an awful brother and they have terrible parents.

Logan asks, "Roman you have been in a bad mood all week. What is wrong?"

"Remus. And everything is his fault," I yell.

Virgil says, "We will get revenge and-"

I jump up from the chair, "No! That's what caused this all in the first place! We got revenge and they locked Patton in a fucking closet! They made him breakdown!"

Virgil gets off his bed, "Don't yell me! It's your brother!"

"Don't put the blame on me!"

We start getting into each others faces and Logan and Patton have to pull us apart. Virgil is so lucky. I could knock him out in one punch.

Patton says, "Roman, take a nap here."

I sigh and lay down on Virgil's bed. Patton lays down next to me, "You gotta relax before you will be able to sleep."

Logan says, "Tension and being angry tends to keep you awake."

Virgil says, "Hold up! They aren't gonna... Ya know. On my bed."

Patton looks confused and I blush deeply, "No! Just- Ugh! I'll only cuddle now leave."

Virgil sighs, "Just don't make a mess and if you do clean it."

Him and Logan leave us alone. Patton keeps cuddled up to me and I think about him. He is so close.

Patton says, "Roman... I uh... Want to tell you something..."

I look down at him, he is blushing, "What it is?"

He looks away and takes a few moments to say, "I like you. No, love you. I wanna date you."

I smile and blush, "I want to be your boyfriend too. I have had a crush on you for so long but I could never bring myself to tell you."

Patton smiles happily, "So can we date?"

I smile, "Yes. Of course."

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