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Logan's POV

All day I've tried finding Virgil but to no avail. According to Patton he skipped school today and I know why. Everyone is talking about how Janus cheated on him. But somehow it got turned around and people are talking bad about Virgil instead. What is wrong with people?

Roman has talked to Patton a lot though. Trying to get with him every chance he gets. Its honestly horrible to watch.

I walk to the last class of the day when I hear voices from Mr. Picani's room.

"People are emailing him and texting him! Emile this is the first day of people gossiping and it's already gotten out of control," a familiar voice says.

"Remy, calm down," Mr. Picani says.

Remy. Wasn't that Virgil's brother? Now I'm intrigued.

"No! The principle won't help. Virgil is already being called names and getting bullied. Emile I won't allow him to come back if someone can break his heart and the school talks shit about him!"

"I understand that your mad but this is still a place to be professional."

"Emile!" His voice is loud and everything is quiet. "You have no idea what he feels like. This rumors started this morning and he wakes up to all these messages telling him that he is a... Certain word that I will not say. But he already is dealing with his breakup and his ex and his boyfriend are having people bully him and make fun of him. You should know better than anyone how that feels." Remy sits down and crosses his arms.

I wonder what Remy means about that. Did Mr. Picani deal with this in the past? I didn't know that they knew each other that long. Well to be fair I don't know Remy that well.

Mr. Picani sighs, "Remy I can't do anything. I don't have that kind of power. I'm sorry. But maybe unenroll Virgil and homeschool him."

He looks shocked, "Emile."

"Its the only advice I have. And I'm sorry. I really am."

Remy holds his head in his hands. "Our parents are going to be home in a few days. He will be unenrolled when they get home since I can't."

I feel hurt hearing that. I move before I process it, I open the door all the way, "No."

They both look at me shocked.

I get nervous and clear my throat, "My apologies. I should have kept walking. But I think it is best to let Virgil have a chance to be redeemed here even though he has done nothing wrong. I can help him and he has Patton and Roman. He shouldn't have to change everything just because of others."

They both look at each other then me. Then back to each other. They talk in hushed tones.

Mr. Picani stands up and walks over to me, "We will allow it. According to Remy you have four days. They're parents return on Saturday. So actually three since we are halfway through the week."

I nod and thank them before heading to class. Why did I do that? I'm not sure. But now I have to help Virgil which I have no problem with. I inform the other two after class and we make our plans.

Once I get home I go to my room and wrote down ways that I can help Virgil. I'm just worried this will all get to him and cause him to skip any more school. I need to show him that these rumors will eventually go away. In reality this won't matter in the future.

I sigh and hear my mother coming upstairs. She knocks on the door before opening it, "Logan, I wanted to inform you that your father and I have to leave for a few days. We have a business trip to attend to. We have the list of emergency numbers on the refrigerator in case you need to contact someone. Is there anything you need before we leave?"

I nod, "Actually yes. Did you or father ever get bullied?"

She gets serious and sits down on my bed. "Are you getting bullied?"

"No but a friend of mine is. He was cheated on and everyone is blaming that on him. Saying rude comments and such."

"Well, in highschool I was bullied. I was on the nerdy side and never went to parties. I was an easy target. I honestly felt trapped and like I would never get out of it. Until I met your father. He was a delinquent."

I'm shocked to hear this, "Really?!"

She chuckles, "Yes. Hard to believe I know. But he stood up for me and taught me how to ignore the bullies. I was so thankful and we fell in love. I hope that helps."

"It does. Thank you mother."

"Your welcome dear. See you in a few days." She kissed my forehead and leaves the room, closing my bedroom door behind her.

I smile at the new information and the idea that are coming to me. This is going to work. I just need to let Virgil know this isn't everything and that he should ignore them. Plus be has three people by his side. I wrote down a few extra ideas then get ready for bed.

I lay down and after a while I fall asleep.

I know I am moving fast but I had no idea what else to write. The more I go the more I go in about their families and other things so-

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