Without Logan

440 19 27

Virgil's POV

I arrive at school and during first period Eric sits down next to me. Roman and Patton immediately step in.

Patton says, "Go away."

Roman glares at him, "Your not wanted here."

Eric chuckles, "Don't care. So Virgil wanna hang out?"

"No," I answer, keeping my eyes on my book.

He wraps an arm around me, "Aww come on baby."

Patton grabs his arm and pushes him away. "Go away." He said mad.

Eric did this time. Patton looked at me and I focused back on my work. This will be a long week.

Time skip

I'm walking to lunch when someone grabs me and pushes me into the restroom. The door closes and locks, I see Janus and step away.

"Virgil," he starts, "I need to talk to you before Remus gets here. I need to explain everything."

I shake my head, "No. Go away." My voice wavers and I mentally curse.

"Have you read my texts?"

"No. Now leave me alone."

"Virgil, please. Listen to me and read those text messages."

"And if I don't?"

Janus growls, "Read them. They will answer all your questions." He then sighs, "I'm sorry for everything. But please I need help."

"Jan," Remus yells.

"Shit. Virgil I really need help." Janus then leaves the restroom.

It takes me a moment to move and I go to class. After class I meet up with Roman and Patton who end up flirting all lunch period which is sickening to watch so I don't eat anything and put my headphones. I put on Freak by Sub Urban.

At the end of the day I head home and decide to listen to Janus and read the text messages that he sent me a few nights ago.

Janus: Virgil I really need help.

Janus: Remus is blackmailing me into dating him. I still love you and if you feel the same come to my house. Just send me a text.

Janus: Remus is getting mad that I don't feel the same. He is threatening to hurt you. Please be careful. I love you.

Virgil: Damn Janus.

Janus: Please come to my house. Tonight. We don't have school tomorrow so

Virgil: I will try.

I put my phone away and feel something inside me. Hope. He still loves me! I rush to Remy, "Remy! Can I go hang out with friends tonight?"

"Sure. Which friends?"

"Patton and Roman," I lied, duh.

"Yeah babes. Have fun. Are you spending the night?"

"Maybe. I'll text you."

I rush to my room and pack a bag. I smile and text Patton to cover for me. I tell him that I'm making a surprise for Remy whose birthday is coming up. Its after the dance specifically four days after.

Virgil: Omw

Janus: What?

Virgil: On my way. Come on Jan.

Janus: Oh. Sorry sweetheart

I blush and my heart skips a beat.

Virgil: Its ok babe.

I get an uber and arrive at his house. I go to the door and it opens before I can knock.

Janus smiles at me, "Sweetheart." He kisses me and I kiss back.

This is wrong. But Remus did it so its fair. Janus wants me anyways. We have been dating for five years. We go inside and head to his bedroom.

I sit down on the bed with him and set my bag down on the floor. Something feels off.

Janus says, "As I said earlier on my text Remus has blackmail on me. It's really bad and I can end up in jail."

I'm shocked to hear this, "What did you do?"

"I don't want to get into it. But it's bad. I need a break from all this stress though and I still love you."

I remember the other day when Janus got Remus to leave me alone. But once again something isn't right. I shouldn't be here. But I ignore those feelings.

"I understand. We can just talk."

Janus smiled and kissed me. "Thanks sweetheart."

"No problem babe."

We watch some tv and cuddle like old times. It's nice and I know this is wrong but at the same time this is how it should be.

Janus speaks up, "Can we start dating again? In secret of course."

I blush and my heart is beating out of my chest. "Yeah."

He smiled, "That's great." But I notice his smile doesn't reach his eyes. Though I ignore it. Probably my imagination.

Janus holds me close and lean on him happily. After a while we fall asleep cuddling on his bed.

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