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Tw: Patton angst and abuse/neglect.

Patton's POV

I had to stay after school today to study a little longer and when I was going to leave I remembered that I had to get something from my locker.

I quickly send Roman a text message since we have plans tomorrow. Today is Friday and I can't wait to get home and relax for the weekend.

Roman: When does tutoring end?

Patton: Around 5 😖

Roman: Ok. Then we won't see each other until tomorrow which sucks.

Patton: I know! 😭

Roman: Aw cheer up.

Patton: Ok. I gtg, the teacher is here. Bye! 👋🏻

I quickly send a text, as I'm walking to my locker, which is at the very end of the hallway.

Patton: I can still hang out tomorrow! I got all my work done. I just forgot to get some stuff out of my locker 😓😖

Roman: Ok good! And don't worry I'm sure it's fine. Teachers will understand.

Patton: I know but it is creepy.

Roman: I live close by to the school be there soon.

I open my locker and pull out my earbuds, phone charger, and my favorite small plushie. I start walking down the hallway but hear someone, and soon I am getting my mouth covered and pushed into a closet. The door closes and locks since the door will automatically lock once closed and the key is the only way to unlock it.

Its pitch black.

I feel fear course through me and I fumble to find the light switch but when I flick it on it doesn't turn on. I go to grab my phone but realize I dropped all my items outside.

I bang on the door, "Someone! Help! Ms. Kim! Mr. Picani!" I yell as I start to shake.

It's dark and I'm alone. I'm scared.

I sit down and curl into a ball, going into a corner of the room. I start shaking more and breakdown in tears.

Remus's POV

I cover my mouth so Patton doesn't hear my laughing. He banged on the door and yelled for help. Lucky us, we recorded it!

Janus had gotten ahold of Patton's phone when he dropped it. Janus sends the audio to the group chat with all four of them in it.

Patton: Watch this.


Roman: I'm heading to the school. That's where Patton was. Whoever this is your dead!

Logan: I have to guess that Janus and Remus are the ones who did this. Whatever this is.

Patton: Doesn't matter. One down, three to go. Can't wait to move onto the next victim~

We drop his phone onto the floor and leave the building before they have any actual proof that we did this. We also had some help with making sure the cameras didn't work at the time of this accident.

Patton's POV

I don't want to be here. I want my friends. I sniffle and try calming down but it doesn't work.

I hear footsteps hurrying and a voice but I'm blocking it. Its bad. Its gonna tell me I'm bad.

Light comes in and I feel someone hug me. I whimper and cry. The person pulls me out of the closet gently and I see its Roman.

Roman says, in a very soft tone, "Your okay. I am here. It's okay. They won't get away with this."

I bury my face in his chest, "O-Okay."

We collect my things and as we are leaving the building I see Virgil and Logan running to me.

Virgil hugs me, almost knocking both of us down, "Patton, are you okay? Did they hurt you?" His voice dripping with worry.

I wipe away the remaining tears, "I'm fine now. I have Roman. But... It... I..."

He hugs me again, "They had no right to do this to you."

Roman says, "I will take him home."

Virgil shakes his head no, "He needs light and people."

Roman looks at me then Virgil. He gives in and we all end up at Logan's house.

I'm finally calm, Roman sitting on the couch next to me, holding my hand, Virgil and Logan on the couch across from us. It's all good, but I know I will have to explain everything now.

I speak up, my voice still a little shaky, "I should probably explain why I am scared of the dark..."

Virgil looks at me, "Are you sure? You don't have to tell them." He is very protective of me and he knows the reason as well.

I nod, "Yeah."

Virgil bites his bottom lip nervously but doesn't say anything.

I take a deep shaky breath, "Well...  The parents I have now are my adopted parents. No one knows that since I call them my mom and dad and they call me their son." I mess with the wrinkly tissue in my hands, "My biological parents were um... They had a bad way of disabling me."

Virgil makes a fist and mumbles something under his breath that is filled with hate and anger. Roman and Logan notice.

I continue, "Anytime I misbehaved they would lock me in the shed for hours... I usually passed out from lack of food and water or heat. Sometimes in the winter I passed out since my body was in shock..." I start crying again.

Virgil hugs me tightly and protectively, finishing the story for me, "I finally talked him into telling the authorities and he got sent to a better home. His home now. But the dark is bad for him and that's why he tries to always be happy. So no one knows about him having to go through all of that..."

Logan and Roman are quiet as they process it all.

Roman grabs my hand again, "Patton. I'm going to keep you safe and I promise that no one will ever hurt you again."

I lean on him and he hugs me. Logan says, "I'm sorry you had to go through that. I am glad you no longer live with them."

I nod and once we move on from all these feelings, we finally allow ourselves to have some fun.

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