Feelings are Useless

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Tw: Toxic relationship, manipulation

A few days before the dance

Logan's POV

Roman and I are ready to ask Patton and Virgil to the dance. Roman is calling them over to my house, as we do last minute plans. My parents are on another business trip so we don't have to worry about them interrupting.

Patton arrives ten minutes early. Roman let him in and when he sees me he looks sadden.

Roman asks, "Everything okay?"

Patton answers as he shakes his head, "No. Its about Virgil."

"Is he alright," I ask worried.

"He's fine but... About a week or so ago he was at the park with Janus and he told me that they are dating in secret and I haven't talked to him since."

I freeze, "He is dating Janus?"

Patton nods, "I'm sorry Logan. He didn't even tell me and... I'm sorry."

"You needn't apologize, Patton. Thank you for informing me."

Roman looks at me with worry in his eyes, "Are you gonna be okay?"

I nod, "I'll be fine. I just.... I actually thought we had something. We've only known each other for a bit and we grew closer." My voice cracks and I sit down on the couch as I avert my gaze away from the two, "Emotions are useless and I should have never made any plans to be with him. It obvious he still wants to be with Janus." I wipe away a tear, I shouldn't be this affected.

Roman sits down by me and hugs me, "Virgil is just stupid. He will see that he missed out on someone as amazing and attractive as you."

Patton sits down on the other side of me and places a hand on my shoulder, "Logan, he is just confused. I'm sure when he sees how Janus really is he will come back."

Roman rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone as he starts texting someone, "Even if that does happen Logan won't accept him."

Patton looks confused, "Why? And what are you doing?"

"Virgil picked a cheater over someone loyal. Logan wouldn't accept him back. For all we know Virgil is a cheater as well. And I'm texting Virgil to not come over."

"Don't call my friend a cheater! And don't do that we can figure something out!"

I growl, "Enough! We are not fighting. Virgil has made his choice and we will respect it. Now if you'll excuse me, I want to be alone." I stand up and go upstairs to my room.

I sit down on my bed and cry no matter how hard I try holding it back. I never stood a chance. He will never have romantic feelings for me.

I hear my phone ping meaning I got a text. It's from Virgil. I hesitate before opening it.

Virgil: Hey. So Patton is ignoring me and Roman is sending me texts saying I'm an awful person for dating Janus again. Um. I guess I wanna know how you feel about this?

Logan: Its wrong. Now leave me alone.

Virgil: Oh. Did I upset you?

Logan: Yes! Now stop texting me and do not call me.

I put my phone on mute and put it on my bedside table near my alarm clock and lamp. He thinks he can get back with his ex and that we all would be fine with it? It's his life and I understand that but it hurts. And my feelings are getting out of control. I just don't know what to do.

Virgil's POV

Logan's upset with me, Roman is furious with me, and Patton is mad and disappointed with me. Great. Shit. This is bad. I wanna cry and break down but I can't. I need to calm down. I can text Janus. He can help me.

Virgil: Babe, I need someone to talk to.

Janus: Not now, sorry sweetheart.

Virgil: Please! Everyone is mad at me and I have no one.

Janus: Patton told them?

Virgil: Yeah. I don't know what to do. I lost them all! My only friends!

Janus: Sweetheart that is awful. But you don't have to worry because you have me. I'm all you need.

Virgil: Right. Yeah. You'll never leave me again right???

Janus: I will never leave you again. I love you and you love me. If you didn't love me just think. You would be alone. Your friends mad and hating you.

Virgil: Right. Thanks babe.

Janus: No problem Virge. 💚

I smile and put my phone away. Janus loves me and won't hurt me. He is all I need. He tells me that a lot and I know that he only lied before due to Remus. So now I know he won't leave me.

I get comfortable in my bed and do some homework before I get some sleep. But something in the back of my mind feels off. Like the texts meant something else.

Probably just me overthinking like I normally do. Everything is fine. I soon drift off to sleep. Repeating over and over that everything is fine.

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