Revenge Plan

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Virgil's POV

I wake up from my nap and I feel better. Like way better. We all decided to order some food while we go over the revenge plan. We ordered some burgers from a nearby burger joint and they deliver which is convenient since we didn't want pizza or to leave the house.

Once the food came we ate and then all of us planned out, by ourselves at first, to see what we could come up with. Now we are all going over our ideas as a group. We make such a great team.

Patton goes first since he was very enthusiastic about his list, "Okay so. I have attacking them with bird food which will cause birds to swarm them, switching their food with fake food, switching out their outfits, and sending them glitter bombs."

I smile, "Glitter bombs is the best on that list."

Patton smiles, really proud of himself. Logan writes down glitter bombs on the final paper that will be our big master revenge plan.

Roman decides to go next, "I want to swap out their hair products with hair dye like they did to me. Then I have, messing with their grades, messing with their reputations, and then sending them a lot of pizza with anchovies."

"Ew," Patton said with a disgusted look.

I say, "Maybe the hair dye. I did that with you and I feel like Remus would eat that pizza."

Roman nodded and Logan wrote down the hair dye.

Logan cleared his throat, "I have a short list. I am not the best with revenge. Distract them during classes, have the law authorities scare them, and prank call them with a private number so they can't block our number."

I think for a bit, "Maybe get them in trouble with the law. They have done so much illegal shit."

Then it's my turn. "I only have one idea. I want to ruin their relationship with each other and I have an idea on how."

Patton looks at me curious, "What's that?"

"I make out with Remus in a closet and Janus walks in." I answer blunty.

Logan chocked on his water and Roman looks shocked, I swear he stopped breathing. Patton just stared at me not knowing what to say, his eyes wide.

I laugh, "I'm joking. I would never make out with Remus. But I do want to ruin their relationship."

Logan finally stops choking and writes it down. We all start getting on with our plans.

We go to the store and buy all our supplies then head back to my house. Patton and Logan make the glitter bombs, I work on the hair dye and hair products, and Roman works on a Tinder profile that will catfish either Remus or Janus. Cause ya know they have Tinder. I actually found both of theres. I also found Remus's Grinder profile. NOT THAT I HAVE THAT APP! I got ahold of Remus's phone one day and just happened to get onto the app.

Those text messages and pictures are forever in my mind. I shiver and focus on the task at hand. Once I'm done, Roman has finished and Logan and Patton are finishing up their project.

I give Roman, Remus's hair products and the glitter bomb, and then Logan drives me to Janus's place. I know it like the back of my hand. I sneak over to the house and climb the tree in his yard. His window is opened a little so I open it the rest of the way. I switch out the bottles then set the glitter bomb up, and then I get the hell out of there.

Logan takes me home and Patton has already started a list of the illegal things they have done. Roman comes back to my house and it's pretty late so they all decide, with my permisson of course, to spend the night.

So we take it easy and wait to see their reactions. And even if we don't then at least they suffered. Just like I did.

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