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Virgil's POV

Since Ms. Kim invited us to work at her little Halloween thing I need two costumes. We also want to make sure we can do as many group activities before Christmas break in case Logan does end up dropping out. My first costume for the day, will be me as vampire. I will be scary but not that scary. Then Roman and Patton got us invited to a party and well, Patton did those dang puppy dog eyes on me and I couldn't say no. So I want to do a different costume for the party. Roman suggested that Logan and I do a matching outfit since we are dating but we both agreed that is stupid and cringey.

I put the finishing touches on my vampire outfit (Just fake blood and tearing some parts) and hear Remy calling me to the kitchen. I get off my messy bed that is covered in art supplies and walk to the kitchen with some fake blood and glue on me.

Remy sees me, "Hey babes. You have some blood on your face and I'm going to assume that it is fake. If not, I saw nothing and put the body on ice, we will deal with it later. Now the reason I called you down here is because Emile and I are going on a small trip to a friend's place for Halloween. We will be gone for about three, maybe four days."

I nod, "Alright, I will keep the body hidden. Also I'll keep things good here so you don't have to worry. I won't burn down the house or anything."

"Thanks babes. Oh, and do you have any plans?"

"Yeah. Me and the group are doing a small event for Ms. Kim and then going to a party. I will probably only be there for fifteen minutes. Then I will head home."

"Okay. Just be careful. Parties are all kinds of crazy. Especially when alcohol is involved."

I nod and peel off the dried glue that is on my hands along with some fake blood. I will have to shower way longer tonight to get all this stuff off me.

Remy doesn't have anything else to say so I go back to room. Once I get the vampire costume away and it's perfect, I move on to my second costume.

This is a party where people from school will be so I need to be not noticable. I decide to get on the group chat and see what everyone is planning so far.

Virgil: Couple costumes are cringey Roman. Have you SEEN them?

Logan: I second that.

Roman: Fine. Whatever.

I type quickly since I want to get the costumes taken care of.

Virgil: What are you all being for Halloween?

Patton: I'm going to be an angel! I have a white dress, halo, and some makeup. 😇😇

Roman: Patton that sounds amazing. I can't wait to see it. I'm going as a zombie football player.

Logan: I have not decided yet. I am deciding between a mad scientist or a zombie.

Virgil: Roman, Logan, you both can't go as zombies. That would be lame.


Logan: Fine. Then I will dress as a mad scientist.

Virgil: Ok thanks for letting me know.

Patton: What about you Virgil? 🤔

Virgil: I don't know yet. For the small event for Ms. Kim a vampire but for the party I don't want to stick out.

Patton: I can come over and help you. 😊

Virgil: Please

Patton: Be there in about 20 minutes 😊😊

I put my phone down and wait for Patton.

After about 20 minutes he arrives and we go to my room. He looks through my closet for a few minutes.

Patton says, "You can be a lumberjack, killer, ghost, or a knock off version of Remus."

I think for a second, "I can do a ghost. Get some makeup and possible some chains on my wrists. I avoid people so I will be creepy."

Patton smiled as I started making the costume.

Patton says, "So I've been thinking about confessing my feelings to Roman."

I smile, "Finally! Took you how long?" I asked as I nudge him.

He blushes deeply and covers his face with one of my purple, fluffy pillows, "Oh shush!"

I laugh, "I'm glad your finally gonna tell him."

Patton nods, "Me too."

We then relax and talk while I work on my costume.

Quick authors note.

I don't know how long this story is gonna be but I want it to last a while and I love writing it. I have some ideas but I would love to hear any suggestions that could be put in the book in the future since I'm having writers block.

Have a good day/night!

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