Our Star

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Virgil's POV

I'm at Logan's house and we are laying outside looking at the night sky. Its filled with stars and it's a full moon out tonight. Remy trusts Logan way more so he is fine with us being home alone together.

Logan points at constellations and tells me about their past and stories. I listen to every word he says. He is so smart and his voice is so relaxing. I cuddle up to him and he sets a hand on my back.

We go into a comfortable silence for a while before I break it, "I'm glad your my boyfriend."

"Me too," he says in a gentle tone.

I mess with his watch that is on his wrist. Since we've been dating for three and a half weeks he is used to it. I change the time and he always fixes it once I'm done.

It's starting to get really cold and so we have jackets on. It's almost Halloween so we are also planning as a group what to do. I want to do something scary, Roman and Patton get scared easily and wanna go to a party, and Logan doesn't care what we do as long as we all have fun.

I see a star that looks dimmer then the rest and smile, "Look Lo, it's a dim star."

He looks at it, "What's so significant about it?"

"Nothing. It doesn't stick out and anyone can over look it which is why I like it so much."

Logan smiles, "That's our star."

"We can't have a star Logan."

"Yes you can. That is ours. Anytime we are separated we will look at it and it will be the way to stay connected. If we don't talk or can't see each other."

I smile, "Alright. I like it."

"Me too."

For the rest of the night we go back into the house and make some plans. Then we go to bed since it's one in the morning.

Once we wake up we go meet up with the other two at the school. Logan and I drank a lot of coffee since we barely slept.

We go to homeroom, Logan has his arm around me and Patton and Roman are close but not holding hands or anything like that. They still haven't told each other how they feel.

We sit down and we have a new teacher since the last one resigned after another fight happened and she stood by and watched. The school gave her the option to quit or be fired. She decided to quit.

This is the teachers second week here and she is really nice. Her name is Ms. Kim. She gives us the work and then talks to students alone or as a group. She is my favorite teacher. Anytime I have panic attacks she let's me come in here and hide under her desk.

She walks over to our table smiling at us, she has long purple hair, almost complete black eyes with a hint of silver, pale like me, and wears suits. Today her suit is purple and dark blue.

Patton smiles, "Hey Ms. Kim!"

She smiles, "Hey. How are you all doing?"

Roman answers, "Fabulaous! Oh and are you going to come to my practice again today? The big show is this Saturday and I wanna make sure I'm at my top."

She let's out a happy giggle. "I will try. Oh and I was wondering if you all have plans for Halloween. I know it's only three weeks away but I want to do something but no students are volunteering."

Logan asks, "What is it?"

"I want to give kids candy, do face painting, a small maze, and possibly a few little scares. It will only be three to five so the night will be free for you all."

Patton nods enthusiastically, "Yes!"

Roman nods, "Of course!"

I shrug, "Why not?"

Logan answers, "I have no other plans and this could be a fun experience."

"Oh thank you boys! Also I am free after school today if any of you need to talk."

We nod and she goes to talk to different table of students. This teacher is definitely the best one in this whole school.

The bell rings and we put our things away and head to our next class period.

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