Not Needed

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Logan's POV

So far Janus and Remus has messed with Patton and Roman. I need to keep Virgil safe but the bad part is that we don't know when they will do something or who their next target is.

I put my homework away and head downstairs to the kitchen since dinner is finished. I sit down at my seat and my parents are finishing with setting up the table.

When both of my parents sit down and start grabbing food, that's when I start grabbing food. I always have to wait since they get to pick what they want and how much they want first.

My father looks at me, "Logan, have you decided about dropping out and joining us?"

My mother looks at me with a very small, faint smile.

I thought I had until Christams break to answer them. I guess they changed their minds. They usually do.

I look back at my father, "Yes sir. I want to finish high school."

He looks shocked and my mother freezes. They said it was my choice why are they acting so surprised?

My father clears his throat, "Logan, this is your future. Me and your mother did it and now it's your turn."

"But I want to finish high school and go to college."

My mother says, "We are giving you a job for life! Your so ungrateful!"

"I appreciate the offer but-"

"Go to your room," My mother demands and pulls my plate away from me.

I stand up and quickly leave the room. I rush to my bedroom and text Virgil.

Logan: I need help.

Virgil: What's up?

Logan: I told my parents I wasn't dropping out to join their business and they are now mad at me.

Virgil: That's bullshit! You don't have to do what they want.

Logan: I wish they understood that. Could you help me? I really don't want to be here anymore.

Virgil: I will try my best.

Logan: Much appreciated.

I put my phone away and my stomach growls. I'm hungry and smelling the food from earlier didn't help. I text Roman and let him know everything that happened.

Then I hear someone at the door. A familiar voice that I hate.


I can't hear what they are saying but I hear footsteps coming to my door. When the door opens Janus is standing there with a smirk.

My mother is behind him, "Logan, your friend told us that you two have a project to do. Inform us when you have someone come over. Also, we will talk later about what happened at dinner." She walks away.

I'm so dead.

Janus walks in and closes the door behind him, "She can act."

I look at him, watching him carefully, "Excuse me?"

"She can act. Both your parents can. They act nice and like they have never hurt a fly... Or their son."

I take a second to say something, my mind blank and my heart beating fast, "They would never-"

"I know when someone lies. Now I will cut to the point. Break up with Virgil. Tell him you don't love him."

"I'm not doing that."

Janus grabs my metal ruler off the table, messing with it, "Logan, I can make sure your parents lose it tonight. Just break up with him."

"Why? What does it matter to you?"

He hits his arm with the ruler, due to it being metal the corners are sharp, it cuts his skin a bit. "What the hell was that for, Logan," he asks with a smirk.

"What?" I'm very confused.

"You already broke someone's nose so I don't think you beating up another student would be a surprise. Hell, we're in your bedroom and I could always say that you tried to-"

"Don't finish that sentence," I demand in a harsh tone. "You manipulated Virgil into sleeping with you and I will not allow you to play the victim. You messed with Roman and Patton, and now you come into my house and try-"

I'm interrupted by Janus tackling me into the wall. I push him back and he lands on the floor with a grunt.

My father opens the door, "What was that thud?" He asked before he saw us.

Janus had the blood running down his arm and was on the floor. He started to cry, "What the heck man?"

My mother walks to Janus, "Your bleeding...!" She gasps. "What happened?"

Janus sniffled, "I started talking to Logan about how his boyfriend is a bad influence. He talked Logan out of dropping out and he is the reason why Logan broke someone's nose."

My mother helps Janus and walks him out of the room. My father grabs my phone, "Call your boyfriend and break up with him. When your friend is gone we are having a family meeting."

I start tearing up, "I didn't do anything. He hurt himself."

"You expect me to believe that?!"

I flinch, "Father please. Virgil is a good guy."

"Call him. Now!"

Virgil's POV

I'm trying to find a way to get Logan to my house. I don't want anything happening to him. Though I don't know what his home life is like.

I hear my phone ringing and see that Logan is calling me, I answer right away, "Hey Lo."

His voice is shaky and he sounds like he is trying to not cry, "Hey Virgil... We need to talk."

I start getting nervous, "What is it? Is everything okay?"

"We... I..." He takes a deep breath, "I'm breaking up with you."

I feel like someone just stabbed me in the heart, "W-What?"

"Your a bad influence and I don't... I'm not..." There is male voice that sounds scary. Then Logan says, "Your not needed in my life."

I feel like my heart just got ripped to shreds and I shake a little, "I-I... Sorry." I hang up the phone and drop it onto the floor.

I sit down on the bed and cry. I'm not needed in his life. He doesn't want me. He doesn't love me.

He doesn't need me.

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