01 (a) - Confessions 2gether

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Author's note : This scene is my version of when Wat comes drunk to Tine's room and kisses him properly for the first time. Some mature content.

Recommended soundtrack for this chapter : Sam Smith - Fire on Fire


Tine's POV

Wat leaned against the door frame. He was slightly drunk, eyes half closed, hair messy like he'd run his fingers through them a hundred times. His mouth was arranged in a pout, his lips slightly parted. His guitar was slung over his shoulder.

Fuck, he looked even hotter than usual.

He stumbled into my room without a word and half-sat, half-lay on my bed.

"Why did you call me?", he asked, his voice low and husky.

"Ummm... I thought we could record the song that P'Dim has asked us to share". My over-chirpy, would-be-casual voice sounded unconvincing even to my own ears.

The truth was I saw something in his eyes when he walked in on Pear and me practicing together in the music room. I wasn't sure what it was, but it seemed like pain.

I had to make sure he was alright.

He nodded silently and picked up the guitar that lay near his feet. He strummed a few chords as I readied my guitar.

As I sat beside him, I felt his gaze on me. I turned towards him and drowned in his deep brown eyes. Unwavering and direct.

He looked at me longingly, as though he wanted to say something but held himself back.

"I'm sorry, Wat", I began.

"Why?" he asked simply, his warm breath fanning my face gently.

"I don't know why. But I think I hurt you today. I don't want to be the reason for your pain even unknowingly", my words rushed out.

His face was just inches from mine, and my heart was hammering a new beat in my chest.

"So you can see my pain?" he said, his voice sarcastic and cold. "I thought you could only see Pear's"

His tone irked me. Did he not know I cared about him?

"What's your problem, Wat? We're not really in a relationship. You're not my boyfriend and I'm not cheating on you. I think I'm going to pursue Pear. She's cute and easygoing. Unlike you". I didn't know where these words came from, but I wanted to trigger a reaction, any reaction, from Wat.

Wat looked at me for a second, his eyes smouldering, his lips pursed in a thin line.

Then he pulled me towards him and kissed me.

Sarawat's POV

Tine's lips were as soft, his taste as sweet as I had always imagined it would be.

I licked his lips with my tongue, seeking an entrance to his mouth. He parted his lips in surprise, and I took the chance to deepen the kiss.

I was sure he would push me away and kick me out of his room and his life. At least I wouldn't regret never letting him know how I felt.

Instead, he pulled me closer into his embrace, one hand on the nape of my neck, the other framing my face. He returned my kiss passionately, our tongues waltzing with each other.

When we finally surfaced for air, I looked at him in awe. His cheeks were flushed, coloured a delicate pink. His lips were swollen with the assault from mine. His sparkling eyes were heavy lidded. His hair was mussed up where my fingers had raked through it.

I wanted to devour him.

I held myself back, waiting for him to say something. Anything.

"Finally" he said, a smirk playing on his lips.

I was stunned.

"Do you want me like I want you?" I asked, my voice breaking, the trepidation of waiting for his reply making me breathless.

"I thought you'd never ask" he said, and pulled me into a kiss again.

My heart soared at his words.

This time, I didn't hold back. I nibbled and sucked his lower lip as I pushed my tongue into his mouth. He gave into me, letting me taste him as I wanted to.

I was hungry for him.

I pulled back with great difficulty. Left to me, I'd spend my whole life holding him in my arms and kissing those luscious lips.

Tine looked down shyly, slightly out of breath from the kiss. The pink blush crept up his cheeks, the heat palpable.

"I don't know if I'm straight or gay or bi. All I know is, I feel warm when you flirt with me. I feel happy when you take care of me. I feel flustered when you're near me, but I can't bear it when you're not", said Tine softly.

I put my right hand on his shoulder, and with my left I tilted his chin up to meet his eyes.

"Look at me please, Tine", I whispered.

He raised his long lashes, his burning eyes locked with mine.

"I love you, my nuisance", I said, as I closed my eyes and rested my forehead against his.

"I love you too, my charming prince" he said, his voice sweet and low.

Tine's POV

I had been waiting for this for so long. For Wat to take me like I was longing for him to.

I didn't want to wait any longer.

I pressed my lips to his and breathed into his mouth, "Make me yours tonight".

I felt Wat tense up at my words. His eyes turned dark with lust, his breath caught. He licked his lips, a simple action that turned me on unbelievably.

"Are you sure", he asked huskily. I could see the concern in his eyes.

I nodded silently, my eyes flickering to his mouth. I wanted him, so bad.

"Have you ever done this with a man before?" he asked, almost hesitantly.

"No. And I wouldn't be able to do it with any man other than you anyway. I think I'm Wat-sexual", I laughed.

Now it was his turn to be shy. He rubbed the nape of his neck with his left hand, like he always did when he was embarrassed.

I took his right hand and kissed his palm. As he watched in wonder, I looked straight into his eyes and took his thumb into my mouth.

As I sucked it, a soft moan escaped my lips.

That was all it took to unleash the beast in Sarawat.

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