10 (a) - Apart 2gether

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Author's Note : My take on some separation angst. Will run across a few long chapters.

Recommended soundtrack :

Birdy - Take my heart (note : I love, love, love this song. So underrated. Do listen to this)
The Sweeplings - Chains

Sarawat's POV

"Two weeks, Wat! I'll die. We had might as well plan my funeral right now. I want to be buried in white, not black. Lilies, not roses. Please don't let Phuak speak at the memorial service. He will spill the most embarrassing things I've ever done and think he's preserved my memory. Let Fong represent all three of them. I'll text him what to say later" said Tine, growing more morose and low-spirited by the second.

I smiled at his antics and kissed him on the top of his head.

"We'll see each other every day, I promise. I'll call you as soon as I wake up every morning and the last thing before sleeping every night" I assured him.

Tine threw me an annoyed look.

"Really? Wow, everything's suddenly sunshine and rainbows again. Why didn't I think of that? Video calling. Now I won't miss you at all" he said, sarcasm dripping from his words.

"Come on, don't make it harder than it already is. And I'm not the one leaving, you are. You're the one who's going home for the semester break" I tried to reason with him.

"Just say you want me to stay and I'll cancel the tickets" said Tine, pleading with his eyes.

"I won't be the man who keeps you away from your family. I don't want any black marks against me where they're concerned", I said, backing off.

"Suck up!", said Tine pouting.

I smiled and patted his head, "What do I do with you, my nuisance."

"You'd better make sure the marks you leave on me tonight stay for the next two weeks" he said, and pulled me to him.


Tine had left yesterday to spend the break with his family in Phuket. They had a family home there.

We hadn't really discussed a whole lot about each other's families. I knew his father practised the law in Bangkok and his mother was a designer. He had an elder brother who was returning to Thailand next week after studying abroad.

I woke up before dawn that first morning and reached out to hug Tine as always. I couldn't immediately process the empty space where his warm body usually lay.

A dull ache settled in my heart. One that would stay till Tine was back.

I tried to push the loneliness away. Everything in our small flat reminded me of him. I couldn't take it.

I practically ran out and planned to stay out for as long as I could.

"Wat, when I said you could come over any time, did you have to take it literally? It's still dark out", said Man, yawning widely.

I pushed past him and went in."I have coffee and breakfast for you".

"I think you mean dinner, because I'm pretty sure it's still the middle of the night" mumbled Man, stumbling back to his bed.

"Go back to sleep, I'll just watch some videos on my phone", I said and plugged my headphones in.

Man understood I didn't want to be alone. He patted my head and went back to bed. He was asleep almost immediately.

I settled down on his couch, pulled up a playlist of my favourite songs that reminded me of Tine and spent the next hour looking at photos of him.

Fuck, I missed him so much. And it was not even the first full day yet.

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