11 - 2gether Again

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Author's Note : 18+ mature content warning

Recommended soundtrack :
Hailee Steinfeld - Capital Letters

Tine's POV

The last two weeks had been the longest of my life.

Mom was all over the place organizing P'Type's party the first week.

Dad was all over the place dealing with the financial aftermath of P'Type's party the second week.

In the first week, every hour that I spent away from Wat added up to make me pine for him.

In the second week, every hour that I was getting closer to being with him again made me more impatient.

In short, two weeks of hell.

The only redeeming factor was being able to talk to P'Type honestly and openly about Wat.

I was touched by his unconditional love for me and his non-judgmental stance on our relationship.

"I knew he was special the minute you told me off over the call that day", said P'Type, smiling at me.

I was relieved that Wat and P'Type had liked each other. Eventually.

At long last, I was headed home to Wat the following day. I couldn't wait to be back in his arms and sleep properly again.


That night, Dad called me to his study. He poured himself and me a generous shot of whisky each, ice clinking in the heavy, cut crystal glasses. He sighed deeply, and then spoke in his usual measured tone.

"Tine, I wanted to talk to you, man to man. I know about the boy you're with."

I sputtered midway through my first sip and coughed. Dad patted me helpfully on my back.

"Come on, Tine. You're the son of a Supreme Court judge. Of course, I have people watching you", continued Dad like he was talking about the weather.

I didn't know what to say.

"Your mother doesn't know. It is not my place to tell her. But, I want to know your intentions with the boy", said Dad, calmly sipping his whiskey.

"My intentions?" I asked slowly. Just like with P'Type, when it came right down to it, I was composed and strong. I had no doubts about my intentions.

I leaned back on the armchair and crossed my legs comfortably. I wasn't nervous or in a hurry.

I placed the glass on the side table beside me. I didn't need liquid courage to say what I wanted to.

Dad observed me silently. Waiting for me to pick my words.

"His name is Sarawat. And my intentions are to spend the rest of my life with him", I said calmly, looking directly at Dad.

If he was perturbed, he didn't show it. He didn't become who he was by betraying his emotions.

"You're not even twenty. You don't know what you want for the rest of your life", he said, swirling the whiskey in his glass.

"You were nineteen when you met Mom. You were twenty when you married her. You were twenty-two when P'Type was born. You knew what you wanted for the rest of your life at that age. I do too", I said, my voice carrying the strength of my resolve.

Dad looked at me impassively, still swirling the whiskey in his glass. I looked right back at him. If it was a staring contest, I would win hands-down.

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