17 (b) - Standing by 2gether

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Author's note :

Recommended Soundtrack -
James Arthur - Say you won't let go

Tine's POV

I waited till we were out of sight of the house and pulled Wat into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry, Wat. I didn't know it would be this rough. I'm sorry I've just been useless around Mom. It's not even that I'm afraid or not ready. But she just steamrolled over us and I froze" I said, my voice muffled against his shoulder.

Wat ran his fingers comfortingly through my hair. "This is my battle to fight, my love. Not yours. I need to earn her respect. Otherwise she might give in to you out of a mother's love, but I will never be able to hold my head up before her."

I looked at Wat's face, lit palely by the moonlight. His eyes held determination, not defeat.

I kissed him deeply and as always, he responded passionately. We broke away feeling much more lighter in our hearts.

I held his hand as we walked along the beach in the moonlight.


I tossed and turned for what seemed like hours. I couldn't sleep at all.

I video called Wat, who was in the room across the hall from mine.

He picked my call on the first ring.

"Can you believe it - I miss you from twenty feet away, my love?" he asked, smiling sadly.

"I can't sleep alone anymore. I need you. Can you come over?" I said, pouting.

"I don't think it would be respectful to your parents. Shall I sing you to sleep instead?" offered Wat.

I nodded.

Wat hummed a few bars and sang a verse of Everything.

As I drifted off with his beautiful voice echoing in the room, I made up my mind to stand up to my mother the next day.


Wat and I headed down to breakfast together.

Mom and Dad were already at the table.

"Good morning, ma'am. Good morning, sir" said Wat and wai'd.

"Good morning. I hope you slept well" said Mom.

"Yes, thank you. The room was extremely comfortable and well-appointed. Thank you again for your kind hospitality" said Wat, taking a seat.

"I may be mistaken, but I thought I heard someone singing in the middle of the night. Was that you?" said Dad, a hint of a smile on his face.

I glared at him.

"I couldn't sleep, so I just hummed a few lines for practice. I apologize if it disturbed you" said Wat with a smile.

"Oh no, not at all. I quite liked it, actually. You have a nice voice" said Dad, redeeming himself slightly.

"Maybe you could grace us with a song in the evening today. I've called a few friends from around the neighborhood over for dinner since Tine is home. It would be wonderful to hear you sing" said Mom, sipping her tea.

"Mom, why would you plan a dinner party when I'm here just for two days? Couldn't you have let us spend time together as a family?" I said, irritated.

"Tisha is here just for the weekend. You grew up with her, it's not nice if you don't take out time to meet old friends" said Mom coldly.

"I don't care about Tisha or any of the others. I haven't met them in years. They mean nothing to me", I exploded.

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