13 (b) - Rescue 2gether

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Author's Note : New and unexpected bonds are formed.

Recommended soundtrack :
Zayn + Sia - Dusk till Dawn

Sarawat's POV

The campfire was buzzing with activity.

We gathered and sat comfortably on chairs around the bonfire. The smell of s'mores and popcorn filled the air.

The barbeque pit nearby sizzled as P'Dim, Green, Phukong and Man tried their hand at roasting various kinds of meats on skewers.

Ohm and Fong sat on either side of Earn, who laughed at their jokes. They kept feeding her s'mores off their sticks, bringing her warm drinks and trying to out do each other in impressing her.

Pear and Tine looked at them and whispered to each other from time to time. I was pretty sure they were wagering on who out of Ohm and Fong would get rejected first, and who would get rejected immediately thereafter.

They would both get rejected for sure.

Because Earn didn't have a boyfriend, but she did have a girlfriend who was a cheerleader.

Phuak was recording a special episode of his vlog with some music club folks, who were jamming in one corner.

Boss sat beside me with a bottle of beer, sighing deeply. His eyes were fixed on Pear and he looked downcast.

"Why don't you ask her out?" I said, patting his back.

"I'm just not good enough for her. Look at her angelic face, that smile, those dimples. Plus she's going to be a doctor", said Boss, his voice dejected.

"And look at your horse-like face, that chipped tooth, those cauliflower ears. Plus you're going to be useless, because there's no way you're winning any scholarly awards" said Man, standing behind us with a skewer of questionable meat in his hand.

I laughed and threw a bottle cap at Man. Boss chuckled. Man handed him the skewer.

Boss took a daring bite from it and immediately spit it out.

"Not good?" said Man, casually throwing away the rest of it before someone died from eating it.

Boss coughed and retched in response, almost throwing up.

"Boss, are you okay?" said Pear, in a concerned voice, quickly walking over to us.

Boss gave a double thumbs-up as he continued to cough his intestines out.

Pear looked doubtful. "Let me go and get some water and the medikit for you", she said.

Man wiggled his eyebrows at Boss.

"Looks like a fire might be burning on the other side too", he said.

Boss's face lit up in a toothy smile. He raised a hand for a high-five.

Man gave him a high-five and a hug.

Then they both jumped up and down a few times.

My best friends were five-year-olds.

At the barbeque pit, P'Dim and Green were arguing loudly about who would grill the shrimps.

We observed Green chasing P'Dim around the cabin with a hot skewer in his hand. Shortly thereafter, we observed P'Dim chasing Green back to the bonfire with the skewer now in his hand.

Phukong came and sat down next to me.

"Pi, can I ask you something?" he said, unusually serious.

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