13 (a) - Trip 2gether

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Author's note : I saw the final episode of Still2gether yet again 😍😍

Someone save my poor heart. Don't blame me for some 18+ material coming up.

Recommended soundtrack -
Sam Smith - Baby, You Make me Crazy

Sarawat's POV

"Did you pack the mosquito repellent?" asked Tine, checking things off a list.

I loved how organized he was.

"Yes", I replied.

"Sunscreen? Bug spray? Torch with batteries? First aid kit?"

"Yes Yes Yes Yes" I said, rolling my eyes.

"And did you pack the most important thing?" he said, looking up at me.


"The big bottle of lube. Because I want a whole lotta you on this trip" said Tine, with that smile that killed me every time.

I literally leapt to where he was standing and took him in my arms.

"How about a whole lotta me right now?" I asked, kissing his neck.

"We don't have time, Wat. We're leaving in less than an hour."

"I'm not saying that's enough to satisfy me, but there's a lot we can do in less than an hour", I said, pulling off my t-shirt.

Tine looked at me and threw the checklist to one side.

"As long as we have the most important thing packed, everything else can be managed" he said, with a twinkle in his eye.

Fuck, I loved him.


"Where are you both? We're all waiting for you. This is not the time to be getting handsy with each other", said Man strictly over the phone call.

Tine and I looked guiltily at each other as we lay spent, sweaty and naked.

"Sorry, we got late packing stuff. We will be there in ten minutes", I said and cut the call.

Tine raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't lie. We did get late because I was packing my "stuff"... in you" I smirked.

Tine rolled his eyes and punched my arm.

"Get dressed, smartass" he said, pulling on his clothes.


The bus was loaded and ready to leave when we reached. We had planned a weekend out on the mountains, near a lake.

We had booked cabins for the whole group - Fong, Ohm and Phuak, Phukong, Boss and Man, P'Dim and Green, Earn and Pear, a few others from music club, and Tine and I.

Tine was super excited about the trip. He sang songs (off-key), played guessing games (all wrong), cracked jokes (only Phukong laughed) and was generally being his cute self.

I sat beside Tine, of course, and spent most of the way dozing on his shoulder. He gently held my head in place by wrapping one arm around me.

We finally reached at long last. We all hopped off the bus to stretch our legs and get settled in the cabins.

The evening air was quite chilly, and I shivered slightly. Tine handed me a jacket.

"That's my jacket, P'Tine", said Phukong, slightly miffed.

"I'll hug you to make you warm Nong, come", said P'Tine opening his arms wide.

I pushed a happy Phukong out of the way and threw myself in Tine's arms.

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