05 (a) - Matching 2gether

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Author's Note : My imagination of when Sarawat gives Tine the matching pick bracelets. Tine expresses his gratitude much more....ahem... enthusiastically

Recommended soundtrack : The Weeknd - Nothing without you


Sarawat's POV

I patted my pocket to check for the hundredth time that the small box was right where it had been for the last four hours.

I was nervous, my heart thumped loudly.

Before Tine, I had never thought I'd love someone so deeply that I would want to seal my commitment with them.

I wanted to let him know in my own small way that I wanted to be his, and only his, for a long, long time.

Maybe even forever.

"Yo, Mr Zoned-out. Move your ass and help me tidy up this mess", said Tine, jolting me out of my reverie.

We'd moved in together a week ago. I was living the dream. Sleeping and waking up next to the love of my life every day. Learning more about him, the small idiosyncrasies that made him so unique, all his quirks and habits.

"Wat, if you plan on slacking off would you at least tell me, so I can slack off with you?", grinned Tine, throwing a pillow at me.

I smirked and pounced on him, pinning him to the bed and kissed him deeply.

As always, he responded immediately, passionately. I loved how he gave himself to me.

We surfaced a while later, both a little breathless but satisfied. For the moment, at least.

I rolled off him, and propped myself up on my elbow as I looked at him. He turned towards me, and cupped my face with his warm palm.

"I have something for you", I said shyly. My breath was suddenly shorter, my heartbeats quicker again. Fuck, why was I so nervous?

"If it's what you gave me last night, please wait until I put the sheets in the washing machine. We are running out of clean things to cover the bed with", chuckled Tine.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips and ruffled his hair. "You have a dirty mind, Teepakorn. Just don't get freaked out too much, okay."

I took the box out of my pocket and handed it to him. Tine sat up and looked at it quizzically.

"It's not a ring", I said, laughing.

Tine opened the box. There lay two identical leather bracelets. Or nearly identical. Each had one half of the guitar pick that Tine had cut up.

He looked at them for a long minute, his face impassive.

"You kept the pieces?", he said, a strange look in his eyes.

"Yeah, I've kept everything you ever touched that was mine. Except my heart. That I gave to you." I sounded cheesy even to me.

I cleared my throat nervously.

"Ummm, it's just a bracelet. Nothing expensive or anything. Just something that we could wear that matches. You don't even have to wear it all the time. And we don't have to wear it at the same time if you're not comfortable. I'm okay with whatever you want to do. I'm....", I was cut off by Tine placing a finger on my lips.

He bent down to give me a soft, loving kiss.

"I love it", he said quietly. He gave me one bracelet and held the other in his hand. "Put it on for me", he said, holding out his wrist.

I slipped it on and tightened it. I extended my wrist and he placed the other bracelet on me.

We looked at each other. The moment was magical, and we both knew it. I saw so much love and tenderness in his gaze that my heart was overwhelmed.

I put my hand on his head and touched my forehead to his, "You're mine, now and for always."

A single tear made its way down Tine's cheek. "Thank you for loving me so much, Sarawat. Thank you for giving yourself to me, for caring for me, for making me feel special always. Your love shines in all the small things you do for me. Every look, every touch tells me how much you cherish me. I don't know if I'm worth it."

I pulled him into a hug. "You're worth all this and more. So much more."

Tine buried his face in my neck and hugged me tighter. We sat like that, comfortable in each other's embrace, savouring the warmth of our bodies.

Tine placed tiny kisses on the side of my neck, under my ear. His hands caressed my back, light feathery touches along my spine.

Either the AC was broken, or it was suddenly very hot.

Tine continued with his kisses, now interspersed with tiny flicks of his tongue and little nips with his teeth. He sucked my earlobe and blew a warm breath in my ear.

I closed my eyes, lost in the pleasurable sensation.

Tine trailed kisses along my jaw to the other side of my neck and repeated his ministrations there. His hand rested on my chest as he nibbled at the sensitive spot under my right ear. I placed my hand over his, and moved it down so he could feel my hardness through my shorts.

I could feel Tine smiling, his face nestled against my neck. He moved our hands so that my hand was cupping his hard length instead.

I took a sharp breath in. I was sure Tine could feel the pulse at my neck throbbing.

"I want to say thank you properly" whispered Tine.

I could only moan in response.

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