15 - The Soldier Returns (AU)

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Author's note : An alternate universe set amidst the desert sands

Tell me in the comments if I should pick this up as a full-fledged story (in a separate book maybe?)

Recommended soundtrack:
Bryan Adams - I do it for you


The moon shone bright in the cloudless sky, lighting up the desert sands as far as the eye could see.

A lone horseman rode his way across the dunes to the fortified city gates. He was dressed in sandy white, his nose and mouth wrapped in cloth.

He handed a scroll to the guard at the gates, who read it with sharp eyes. The guard immediately stood at attention and saluted the rider.

"Let him in", shouted the guard. Heavy gears moved, and a small section of the gate swung inwards. The guard bowed to the horseman, who simply nodded and led his steed within.

"Welcome home, Captain Teepakorn", whispered the guard, with tears in his eyes.


Tine paused before knocking on the door. It was the dead of the night, and he did not want to startle the occupants of the house.

Just as he raised his knuckles, the door opened and two strong arms pulled him into a bear hug.

"It's good to have you back, Captain", said the man.

"It's good to be back, Major", said Tine, smiling at his brother's rare display of emotion.

Type stepped back to look at his brother properly.

"You don't look too shabby, all things considered" he chuckled.

Tine laughed and divested himself of his travelling robes. He removed his shirt and revealed a lean body decorated with scars.

He headed to the covered tank at a corner of the open courtyard and splashed water on his face. He wetted a clean cloth and slowly wiped the dust, grime and dried blood from his body.

Type's lips tightened when he saw the dark, serrated welts on his brother's back. Whip lashes. And the way Tine held his hands, one could see that his fingers had been broken and hadn't quite healed completely.

There were multiple cuts and small round burns across his face, chest, arms and legs. A long, thin scar ran across his stomach.

Tine had been subjected to brutal torture at the hands of the enemy.

Type was a battle hardened soldier. In their lifetime, the brothers had seen too many good men killed for the petty political ambitions of royal fools. They had no more tears left to shed.

But to know exactly how many slow-drawn, endless nights of pain that his brother had had to endure, broke his heart.

Tine had been captured nearly two years ago. He bore the marks of wounds healed and reopened again and again.

Type hoped the new king was worth his brother's sacrifice.


"Are you ready, Captain?" said the young Lieutenant, who was escorting him to the General's office.

Tine nodded. It felt strange to be dressed in his military uniform again.

The Lieutenant paused before opening the door for him. He bowed to Tine with his right fist placed over his heart, "It's an honor to have met you, Captain".

Tine bowed back and entered the General's office.

"Captain Teepakorn reporting for duty, sir" he said, looking straight ahead and standing at attention.

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