08 (c) - 2gether Sealed

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Author's note : Surprise!!! It's a three part story! I didn't plan it this way, but it fits the theme perfectly.

Recommended Soundtrack - The Weeknd - Where You Belong.

Oh and I almost forgot - 18+ mature content warning 😈


Sarawat's POV

"I want you to make love to me, Wat", Tine whispered.

I looked at Tine, shocked.

"What? You don't want to?" said Tine, pouting in a teasing way, and he pulled away slightly.

I immediately pulled him back towards me.

"Don't make me do something I'll regret. I don't think I'll be able to control myself", I growled hoarsely.

"Who said anything about control?", whispered Tine into my ear, and sucked my earlobe.

I groaned and almost came just from hearing his husky voice. His hand was rubbing my hard cock from over my jeans and the heady combination of his voice and his touch was waking my inner beast.

I pounced on Tine, and laid him on his back on the blanket. I kissed him deeply, then moved my lips across his jawline, dropped fleeting kisses under his ear, on his throat. I licked and briefly sucked his Adam's apple, and moved my lips down to his collar bone.

I bit him lightly on his shoulder, licked the teeth marks and then sucked harder till I left a deep purple mark.

Tine moaned and moved under me. Our bodies were on fire, our skin burning wherever we touched.

He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me lower. I ran my tongue all the way down his sternum to his hard abs, licking and sucking along the way.

"I want to undress myself for you", said Tine breathlessly. He pushed me off and stood up.

He slowly unbuckled his belt and pulled it off. He threw it to one side.

Then he unbuttoned the single metal button of his jeans and pulled the zip down. He looked straight at me all the while, biting his lower lip.

I wanted to fuck him till he screamed my name.

He let his jeans drop and kicked them away. Then he ran two fingers under the elastic of his boxers and slowly, too slowly, pulled them down and kicked them away.

I licked my lips at the sight before me. His cock sprung up hard and erect, almost straight up against his belly.

I knelt before him with my hands on his hips. I looked up at him and licked his length from the base to the head.

Tine fisted his hands in my hair and threw his head back with a guttural moan. I took him in my mouth.

He tasted like nectar.

I sucked and licked his length within the moist warmth of my mouth. I loved how he throbbed in me.

"I want you in me, Wat. I don't want to come like this" said Tine. His eyes were dark and sparkling with lust.

I pulled my head back and stood up. I undid my jeans and pulled them off with my boxers in one go.

With one hand, I pulled Tine into a deep kiss. With the other, I stroked both our hard cocks together.

Tine sighed against my lips and whispered my name.

Fuck, I had never loved my name more than when he said it that way.

I pulled Tine down with me, and we both lay on the blanket, side by side, kissing and caressing each other.

Tine reached into the wine bucket and picked a small chip of ice. He took it in his mouth and pressed his lips to mine. With his tongue, he pushed the cold ice chip into my mouth, against my tongue.

The hot-and-cold sensation as our tongues danced with each other and the ice melted under our combined warm breaths made me shiver.

I couldn't wait any longer.

I positioned myself between Tine's legs. I took a generous amount of spit on my finger and slowly thrust it inside him.

He let out a sharp cry, that I smothered with kisses. His cry changed to a low groan as my finger found his sweet spot.

Five minutes later, he was ready for me. I looked into his eyes, and said gently "This will hurt a bit." Tine nodded and closed his eyes.

I rammed my length all the way into him. He gasped and bucked his hips. I pulled back and thrust in again. Slowly.

I knew I was hitting the right spot with each thrust when Tine dug his nails in my back. His eyes rolled back in his head as he called out my name.

I stroked his cock with one hand, while supporting my weight with the other. Tine pushed my hand away from his cock.

"I want you to bring me from within", he panted.

I loved how direct he was about telling me his desires.

I leaned over him such that his cock was sealed tightly between our abs. My thrusts grew quicker and deeper.

"Aaaaaanh" moaned Tine as he came spurting between our bodies, coating our abs almost up to our chests.

I came bursting inside him, filling him with my cum.

He pulled my head down and swallowed my lips in a hard kiss.

"Don't stop", he said and pushed me back.

I grunted and pounded into him again.


We had a long night of love-making.

The dinner lay forgotten, the ice had long melted and the wine bottles stayed uncorked. The candles were waxy puddles and the fairy lights were flickering dimly.

I was drunk on Tine and he'd fed on me.

Neither of us was satisfied, neither of us wanted to stop. We made love, rested briefly, aroused each other and then did it again. And again. Till we both lost count.

Tine was amazing and insatiable. I looked at him as he lay naked beside me, sleeping. Our bodies were slick with sweat, our limbs entwined around each other.

I pushed his hair off of his sweaty forehead and kissed it softly.

I still couldn't believe he was mine.

Less than six hours ago, I had given up all hope of ever even speaking to him again. I was planning to move across the country to try and forget him.

And now, he was lying in my arms.

I hugged him closer as he slept with his head snuggled against my shoulder.

"I love you, Tine", I whispered softly.

He smiled sleepily, "I love you too, Wat".

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