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Hello dear readers. If you've come this far, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I am happy and excited to announce that I will be developing the AU story you read earlier in these one-shots into a full-fledged book.

The new book called The Soldier and His King will be started and updated regularly starting tonight (16 Oct 2020). Keep an eye out on my profile.

Please, please, please share your comments and votes on the story arc and characters.

Super excited and looking forward to your loving support for The Soldier and His King, just like you have given 2gether Nights.

XOXO 💜❤️


So my hiatus after finishing The Soldier and His King lasted exactly one day (if that). I'm officially addicted to writing Wat-Tine fanfic and imagining them in AUs.

I'll be starting my next book, "Nothing Without You" tonight (7 Nov 2020).

It will be a more mature theme (in terms of subject matter), but one which will continue to hold Wat-Tine sweetness at its core.

The 2gether series and character names belong to JittiRain, while BrightWin belong to the universe ❤️😂. However, the characters, the storyline and the universe in my books will remain mine.

I hope you continue to support me as you've done with "The Soldier and His King" and "2gether Nights".

Excited to write this new book! Keep an eye on my profile for the first chapter hopefully tonight.



I've started writing another Wat-Tine story called "One Last Time". It is intended to be a short story. The first three chapters are on my profile today (1 Dec 2020). Please remember to read, vote and comment. Thanks and much love!

In a world where werewolves and vampires had battled for dominance for centuries, Alpha Wat had committed the ultimate sin - he'd fallen in love with the vampire prince, Lord Tine.

Caught between their duty to their own kind, and the irresistible pull of their hearts, Wat and Tine spend a night together at the edge of time, on the boundary between their colliding worlds - one last time.

2gether Nights || BrightWin | 2gether One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now