09 (a) - Jealous 2gether

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Author's note : Jealous and possessive Sarawat is hottttttt 😍

Recommended soundtrack : Sofia Karlberg (Fifty Shades cover) - Crazy In Love

Tine's POV

"Hey, isn't that Mil from Architecture? He's dreamy", giggled some girls behind me.

I was taking an elective in Architecture. Mom, who designed and owned her own line of clothing, wanted me to do at least one design course. Even though I'd chosen law and followed in my father's footsteps.

So every Wednesday, I trudged across campus to attend the class. Wat usually walked with me, his faculty was nearby.

Not today. He was the replacement guitarist for P'Dim's band and they were playing at another college's fest.

As I walked alone lost in my thoughts, I suddenly found someone walking alongside me.

"Hey, you're Tine, right?" said the guy. He was handsome in a rugged kind of way, I guess. He had a warm smile on his face.

"I am. How do you know me?" I asked, surprised.

"You're a university cheerleader. Of course everyone knows you", he said easily.

I didn't quite understand how that added up.

"I'm Mil, Architecture. Aren't you in Law? What are you doing all the way here?" he asked.

"I have an elective in your department. Design 101", I replied, hoping the conversation would wrap up soon. I wasn't very comfortable with the level of info he had about me.

"That's my favourite subject. We had it last semester for the core Architecture course. I guess it's listed as an elective this semester. That's a shame, I'd have liked to have been in the same class as you", said Mil charmingly.

I had no response to that.

"Well, here we are. I'll see you around, Tine", said Mil and departed with a wave.


I was with Ohm, Fong and Phuak at LCoHol. Wat was playing onstage with his band that night.

As usual, he had a bevy of beauties and a frenzy of fans crowding the stage area. I tried to ignore the pangs of jealousy that crept up in me whenever a girl blew him a kiss or called his name.

Up on the stage, Wat seemed to hear my thoughts. He looked straight past them all and directly at me, and smiled.

My heart skipped several beats. He looked so hot when he was on the stage.

It still felt strange to call him my boyfriend.

We hadn't made a big deal about it. No one outside of our immediate circle knew about us. I wasn't ready for the whispers and scrutiny just yet.

"I'm hitting the loo" I said and stood. In getting off the bar stool, I bumped into someone.

"Well, look who it is. Hey, Tine", said Mil, steadying me with his hands on my arms.

"Oh, sorry, Mil. I didn't see you there", I said.

"No trouble. At least you finally noticed me. I've been sitting here for a while hoping you'd say hello. Do you and your friends want to join us Architecture boys for a few rounds?" he said, smiling at me.

His "boys" looked like thugs.

"No thanks, we're almost done and leaving soon. Maybe some other time", I said politely and continued on my way to the bathroom.

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