10 (b) - 2gether with Type

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Author's Note : Finally bringing one of my favourite characters from the series into the story.

Tine's POV

I called Wat that night. Surprisingly, Boss picked the call instead.

"Hey, Tine", he said, a little less cheerful than he usually was.

"Hi Boss. How's it going?" I said, dread forming in the pit of my stomach. I knew something was off.

"I'm fine, but something's wrong with your boyfriend. He was fine until his gig, and then I don't know what happened, but he's become a zombie since then. Look -", said Boss and pointed the camera towards Wat.

Wat looked like a fish out of water. Glassy eyed, a vacant stare and mouth half-open. Man was sitting beside him, looking flummoxed.

I knew what had happened. Fong had called me earlier.

"Wat, babe, snap out of it. It's not a big deal", I said, a tad exasperated. He was over-reacting.

He turned blankly towards the camera at my voice. His expression changed to one of incredulity, like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Not a big deal? Really?" he sputtered.

"Come on. How does it even matter?" I said. I didn't understand why he was so upset.

"Why didn't you ever tell me who your parents are? Lawyer and designer - that's what you said. Talk about misrepresentation", shouted Wat.

"We never really discussed our families. So what?"

"I can't believe you're being so casual about this. You're not even rich like "celebrity rich". You're rich like "the GDP of a small country" rich. How come you look so normal?" he practically accused me.

"Because I am normal. I live off the allowance that my father gives me based on my grades. My parents raised my brother and I to understand the value of money, so we've never got anything we didn't earn in some way. My brother even took student loans and scholarships to study at Harvard" I said, trying to soothe Wat.

It didn't work.

"Harvard? Is there anyone in your family, I'll even take distant relatives at this point, who are regular, average people like me?" said Wat, even more worried than before.

"First of all, you're not regular or average. You're extraordinary. And secondly, it doesn't matter who my family is. What matters is that I love you."

"That's not an answer, Tine", said Wat, arms crossed on his chest.

I sighed. This would have been so much easier if I were there with him.

"Man, could you please explain to Wat that he has nothing to worry about. I know how his brain works - he's probably thinking something stupid, like he doesn't deserve me or that I'm too good for him.

Could you please tell him that I often feel like I don't deserve him? That I thank my stars every single day that Sarawat Guntithanon chose me? That no one else could make me feel so loved and cared for, and that he's made me incapable of ever loving anyone else? Oh and also tell him that if he continues to mope around, I'll be forced to cut my visit short and return first thing tomorrow morning."

Man clasped his hand over his heart, and Boss slow-clapped in appreciation.

Wat blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, like he always did when he was shy. And he smiled.

"Jeez! And I thought I was the Drama King in this relationship", I said, rolling my eyes.

Man and Boss laughed. Wat blushed a little more. The tip of his nose went red.

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