04 (a) - 2gether 2day

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Author's Note : Long chapter inspired by a fan tweet about the scene when Wat brings snacks over for the entire cheer team and asks Tine to help him clean his room.

It made me cry real tears, especially after I saw Still2gether and the efforts he made for Tine.

Recommended soundtrack for this chapter. Sam Smith - Stay With Me


Sarawat's POV

I scanned the perimeter of the field as I tied the laces of my soccer shoes. The cheer club schedule said they were supposed to be practicing right now.

"Wat, kind sir, if you would oblige us by coming on to the field some time today, we would greatly appreciate it" said Man, bowing before me with his hands folded.

I smacked his head. "I'm going to kick your ass on the field today."

"But we're on the same side", said Boss, scratching his head.

"So? I'll kick your ass too", I retorted.

"Oooooh, somebody is cranky. Looks like you haven't seen your boyfriend today", sang Man irritatingly.

I felt a sharp twinge in my chest, "He's not my boyfriend."

"Yet" corrected Boss, "We are working actively to change that situation. We even asked P'Fang to change the cheer practice to the evening today, after our match. Give you the chance to watch Tine doing his routine. A one-man audience, if you may."

"You do know I have dinner with my parents tonight, right? I told you yesterday and I remember you actually noting it down on your phone", I snapped. There went my chance to see him today.

Boss and Man looked at me with a puzzled expression, then at each other, then shrugged their shoulders.

"Let me check my phone", said Man, "Oh, I see where the confusion lies.

When you said parents, it reminded me of my mom. And how she loves me, but would kill me if I went home this weekend with a big pile of laundry again. So I decided to do my laundry"

"Your note says : Pink", said Boss.

"Be patient, little child. I'm not done with my explanation yet", continued Man, "But then I remembered I don't have detergent. I started thinking of my favourite brand, the one that smells like my ex-girlfriend.

She liked the colour red. And one time, she gave me a pair of red socks. I threw them into the laundry with my football jersey and it came out pink.

That shade of pink was the colour of my Mystery Seminar Man's cheeks the day I met him."

Man stood looking dreamy-eyed into the distance. Boss stood right alongside him, staring into space as though drawn into the stupidest story of all time.

My best friends, ladies and gentlemen. I sometimes wondered if they were born with air instead of brains or if their constant attempts to think wore their brains away.

I kicked both of them on their shins and jogged into the field.

I really wanted to see Tine today.

Tine's POV

Fong, Ohm, Phuak and I sat at a table in the outdoor cafeteria. Four half-drunk bottles of lemon soda stood before us. We were all in a stupor, slack-jawed and glassy-eyed.

We had just returned from yet another of Phuak's food review visits. This time it was to a street side stall called Sweet Meats. They had atrocities like sugar coated chicken wings, pork belly chocolate brownies and beef ice cream.

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