05 (b) - Gratitude 2gether

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Author's Note : 18+ mature content warning.

Recommended soundtrack : The Weeknd - Earned It


Tine's POV

I moved back to look at Wat.

He sat leaning back with his hands supporting his tall, lean body. His eyes were closed, his breaths short and quick. The tip of his nose was red and his cheeks were flushed, like they always were when he was aroused.

I thanked my stars for the millionth time that he was mine.

I unbuttoned his shirt slowly, my fingers trailing down his bare chest. He groaned slightly, his eyes still closed.

I pushed his shirt open so it hung from his broad shoulders, exposing his glorious torso. His chest heaved slightly, his abs tightened. His head was thrown back, his lips parted.

He looked absolutely beautiful.

I traced a path with my tongue, up from his navel to his neck. He tasted deliciously salty.

He groaned again, still with his eyes closed and not moving from his position.

He wanted me to lead, to make love to him on my terms.

I kissed his hard length through his shorts. He moved his body slightly, pressing into my mouth.

My fingers slipped under the elastic at his hips and pulled down his shorts and boxers together. His hard cock sprung erect immediately.

I sat back for a second to pull my t-shirt up and off. Wat opened his eyes to look at me, and bit his lower lip. He looked hungry and looked like he wanted to eat me.

I shook my head and he leaned his head back again with a sigh.

I bent my head to lick the tip of his cock with the flat part of my tongue. He moaned loudly and bucked his hips.

I licked him all the way down his shaft and gave sucking kisses on the way up. Then I took him fully into the wet warmth of my mouth till his head hit my throat. And licked his length as I raised my head, my mouth closed tightly around him.

Wat ran his fingers through my hair and pushed my head lower, a low growl escaped his lips.

The guttural sound drove me crazy. I continued to lick and suck his throbbing member. I wanted him, all of him.

I felt him twitching in my mouth and I knew he was about to come. I moved faster, sucking harder. He shot his cum straight down my throat as he came with a long, loud moan.

I swallowed his cum and licked him clean.

He tasted divine.

Wat lay down on his back, panting hard.

"Fuck, Tine. I would die a happy man right now", he gasped.

I laughed and snuggled beside him, resting my head on his shoulder. I kissed his cheek and he turned his head slightly to peck me on the lips.

He dropped small kisses on my mouth, that grew deeper and longer with every kiss. In seconds, we went from gentle pecking to a full-blown make out.

Wat fucked my mouth with his, his tongue and lips exploring and claiming mine for his own.

One hand roamed all over my back, the other fisted in my hair and pulled me closer to him.

His lips trailed burning kisses down my jaw to my throat. He licked my Adam's apple, and bit me lightly on my shoulder.

He moved his tongue down my chest, pausing to bite and suck on my nipple. I gasped at the sharp, delicious pain from the bite.

He moved down my body as I lay moaning on the bed. He pulled my shorts down to my knees with hurried fingers, dragging them down my legs and off my body with his toes as his hands gripped my hips.

I was hard, throbbing and ready for him as he took me into his mouth, a low hum coming from his throat. My cock vibrated with the sound, and I arched my hips for him to take me deeper.

He brought me to the brink and pulled back just before I could come. He quickly came up and covered my mouth with his in a rough kiss.

"Don't come just yet, my love. Let me draw you from within", he breathed against my lips.

I was already flying high in the throes of passion. I clasped my fingers behind his neck and half pulled my body up to meet him.

He parted my legs slightly with his knees and positioned himself.

"I love you, Tine", he whispered as he entered me.

I threw my head back and moaned loudly as he pounded into me, hard and fast. My twitching cock was being stroked between our hard abs. Wat hit my sweet spot with every thrust inside me.

I came bursting hard with a scream, my cum spraying between our writhing bodies.

Wat closed his eyes and came shuddering inside me. He collapsed with his head on my chest. Our sweaty, heaving bodies lay entwined.

"I knew I should have put the sheets in the machine", I groaned.

Sarawat's laugh echoed inside my chest, and filled me with happiness.

Fuck, I loved him beyond imagination.

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