14 - 2gether Day to Day

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Author's Note : Just small slice-of-life moments feat. Wat-Tine and friends.

Recommended Soundtrack :
Aerosmith - Don't wanna miss a thing

Sarawat's POV

I awoke abruptly and looked bleary-eyed at the clock. 4 a.m.

I reached out my hand and found Tine's warm body beside me, his back to me.

I snuggled against him, breathing in his scent deeply, my arm around him.

He stirred briefly. I raised my head and looked over his shoulder at his peaceful face.

Oh how I loved him. Even now, holding him this close, I couldn't believe how lucky I was.

I kissed his hair lightly and settled down again.

I couldn't sleep a wink.

After a few minutes of trying and failing miserably to clear my mind, I decided to get up.

I carefully got off the bed without making any noise and padded over to the living room.

I settled on the couch and pulled up my favourite indie and rock playlist. I plugged in my earphones and lay with one arm over my eyes.

I was concentrating on trying to identify the lead and bass guitar chords in the songs and making mental notes on what to play in our upcoming performances.

I felt the edge of the couch depress, and then a warm, familiar body settling beside me on the couch.

I turned sideways to make space for him.

I smiled as Tine adjusted his head on my free arm, turned sideways with his face towards mine and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

We wrapped our arms tight around each other and intertwined our legs so he wouldn't fall off the edge.

I smiled and kissed the top of his head. He was already asleep.


Tine's POV

"Wat, do you want to order in or go out?" I asked.

"Whatever you want", he said, busy tuning his guitar.

"Noodles or rice?" I asked.

"Whatever you want", he replied, not even listening to me.

"Red curry or green curry?"

"Whatever you want"

"Cake or ice cream?"

"Whatever you want"

I walked up to him, bent down close to his ear and whispered -
"Me riding you or you riding me?"

He went still and looked up at me, his lips slightly parted.

"Whatever you want" he said, licking his lips and leaning to kiss me.

"Perfect! I want to go out to eat fried rice with green curry, and have ice cream on the way back" I said and walked to the front door.

"Tine, come on!" whined Wat.

Making dinner decisions was never easy!


Narrator's POV

Fong and Ohm were still rivals in love over Earn.

And it was taking its toll on Phuak.

He launched into a tirade at them -

"Listen you idiots, I haven't done a proper food review with the four of us in weeks.

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