06 - Searching 2gether

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Author's note : This one shot is about Sarawat trying to find Tine after the first time they bumped into each other in the Scrubb concert a year before the events in 2gether.

Recommended soundtrack : Sam Smith - To Die For

Sarawat's POV

"I've heard Scrubb so many times now, I even hear them in my sleep", muttered Boss.

I shot him an irritated look, "I didn't ask you to come with me."

"Yes, but we can't let you go from concert to concert like a mad man without a couple of spotters. What if you blink and miss him as he walks right past you? Or go to the loo? Or get distracted by the girls that are always trying to get close to you?
That's where Boss and I will step in. We will keep our eyes open, our bladders empty, and take those pesky girls off your hands and into ours", said Man, pointing at himself and Boss.

I sighed and patted Boss on the shoulder in apology, and nodded at Man.

I appreciated having them around. I was starting to go crazy. More alarmingly, I was starting to lose hope that I'd ever find him again.

Since the day he bumped into me at that Scrubb concert, his face was the only thing I saw when I closed my eyes.

I didn't know his name, hadn't heard his voice. I didn't know which school he went to, or if he even lived in the same city.

But it was love at first sight. Something I didn't believe existed. Hell, I didn't even know I could like a man, let alone obsess over him.

This concert also came to an end without him, like all the others before it.

"Dinner on me, boys. What will it be?", I said as we filed out of the venue with the rest of the crowd. I may not have found him, but I still had to make it up to my friends for snapping at them earlier.

"Barbecue", said both, together.


"2U Traditional Football Match - Closing Night Concert feat. Scrubb" said the poster at the entrance. It was a festival at the biggest university in the city.

I looked at the ticket in my hand. I'd been searching for him for ten months now. If I didn't find him today, I'd give up looking for him, and let destiny take its course.

I had asked Boss and Man not to accompany me. I did not want to weaken my resolve to abandon my search if it didn't work out today.

I entered the auditorium without much hope. It was a typical college concert hall, with standing space only. I found a standing spot on one of the steps near the entrance. I was at a slight elevation and had a view of the crowd all the way to the stage.

I scanned the half turned faces without any real hope. Scrubb started to play "Everything".

And I saw him.

I couldn't believe it at first. But there he was, in a white shirt and blue jeans, waving his hands in time to the song.

I blinked and he was gone. I jumped down from where I was, and pushed through the crowd to where I'd seen him.

I cursed the college whose stupid uniform seemed to be a white shirt-black pant combo. Nine out of ten people were in white shirts.


I reached the spot where I was certain he had been just minutes ago, and looked around desperately. I saw four boys making their way towards the exit, one of them in a white shirt.

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