Thank You (For Now)

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Soundtrack : Lana Del Ray - Young and Beautiful

I had always started this book out thinking I'd close it out after twenty stories. Some of them turned out to stretch across multiple chapters and I have loved writing every single word of this book.

A big, big thank you to the regular and super participative readers. I have loved reading every comment, going through this journey with you.

You know who you are, my lovelies. I love you from the bottom of my heart. You made this experience so delightful for me ❤️❤️❤️

I know I'm going to go back to each story and read through your comments again.

I will cry with you for this book coming to an end, at least for now. I may update this in the future with more one-shots. But don't hold your breath.

Follow me to keep an eye out for other books that I will be writing soon.

For now, thank you, shukriya, kamsahamnida, xie xie, arigato

Mixi 💜

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