04 (b) - Celebrating 2gether

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Author's note : 18+ mature content warning. There's no way Wat and Tine stop at a kiss after that emotional rollercoaster.

Suggested soundtrack : Ellie Goulding - Love me like you do


Sarawat's POV

Was I dreaming? Or was Tine really at my doorstep, kissing me?

I didn't care. Even if it was a dream, it was the sweetest I'd ever dreamt. I wanted to relish the feelings it awoke in me.

Without breaking the kiss, we made our way inside. I closed the door with one hand and pushed Tine against it.

My hands cupped his face as we explored each other's mouths, our tongues dancing, our lips tasting each other.

I felt his firm hands on my back, pulling me closer. I felt a rush of warmth and love flooding me from deep within, overwhelming me.

Tine broke the kiss, and leaned back to look at me with concern, "Are you crying?"

I hadn't realized that tears were streaming down my face. I didn't even wipe them, and pulled Tine into a hug.

"Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday today?" came his muffled voice from behind me.

I buried my face in his neck. He smelled so good.

"Happy birthday", he whispered in my ear.

I held him tighter. I still wasn't sure this wasn't a dream. I couldn't risk waking up and finding him gone.

"I'm sorry, Wat. I'm so sorry", he said in a soft voice. I thought I heard him sniffing.

I pulled back and saw the tears running down his cheeks, that he tried to quickly wipe with the back of his hand.

I held his chin and turned his face towards mine, "You have nothing to be sorry for. You've given me the best gift I have ever got for my birthday just by being here right now."

I kissed the tip of his nose which had turned red from crying. Then his cheeks, and his eyes.

Tine gave a watery smile. "I want to give you something for your birthday, but I'm not sure you'd want it."

"You've already given me more than I could hope for just by coming here to see me. I will cherish whatever you give me, for the rest of my life." Having him in my arms was already the sweetest gift.

"It's rusty and dysfunctional, it's messy and loud, it's oblivious to its surroundings, and difficult to handle. It doesn't work as expected and sometimes lets you down when you need it the most. I think you deserve much better, but all I can offer is my heart."

I looked at Tine, lost for words. How could he be so perfect? How could he make me fall more in love with him than I already was?

"I can't do better, there is no one else. It's you, it's always been you, that I've loved. I still can't believe I'm standing here holding you in my arms. It's what I've been longing for, for so long." I pressed my lips on his hair, then rested my forehead against his. I wanted to remember this moment forever.

Tine chuckled, "This is the cheesiest birthday party in history."

We both laughed. We were at ease with each other again.

"Before we break out the champagne, or rather the half-drunk bottle of beer, I want to say this out loud for you to hear : I love you, Tine Teepakorn, official Nuisance of my life."

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