07 (a) - Start 2gether

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Author's Note : The Music Club which set the stage (literally) for Wat-Tine to blossom into something so special.

Recommended soundtrack : Zayn + Taylor Swift - I don't wanna live forever

Tine's POV

"Practice hard and try your best, Tine. Fighting!", said P'Air, shaking an encouraging fist, a kind smile on her face, her curls bouncing happily.

"Thank you, P'Air. Fighting!", I said, smiling thinly, and returning the salute with a raised fist.

I didn't know one end of a guitar from the other, and yet here I was, holding one awkwardly just to get close to Sarawat.

"That's the spirit! By the way, eliminations are two days away. Toodloo!"she said, waving airily as she made her way out.

It was getting dark outside. I wished I had chucked Music Club and gone to LCoHol with the boys.

But I'm nothing if not persistent. Sarawat was critical to my plan to live a Green-free college life. I was running out of spots to hide from Green.

"Tiiiiiiine, where are youuuuuu?" came the dreaded voice that made my hair stand on end and felt like nails on a chalkboard. Green was on the prowl again.

I grabbed the guitar and my bag and ran out the back door. I needed a place to hide.

I ran along the corridor, trying to find an open classroom to slip into. I tried a few doors, but they were locked.

"Tiiiiiiiiinnnne, I can hear you running away from me. I'll spank you when I find you, you naughty boy", echoed Green's voice like my worst nightmare.

I desperately tried every handle I could find. A door clicked open suddenly and I quickly ducked into it, and closed it. I put my ear to the door. If Green found me in here, I was dead meat.

"What are you doing?", whispered a voice right next to my ear.

"Whoa!", I exclaimed and jumped, startled out of my wits.

In my hurry to close the door, I'd omitted to see if the room had any other occupants besides me.

I found myself staring straight at Sarawat.

His face was inches from mine, his brow furrowed.

"What...", he began again, but I pushed his body against the wall, pressed my hand against his mouth and shook my head desperately.

Green was coming close.

He indicated the door with his eyes. It was not locked.

I secured the lock with my free hand. A second later the handle rattled.

"Where could he have gone? I'll get him tomorrow", Green's muffled voice spoke from the other side, and I heard his receding steps end with a door opening and closing.

Golden silence.

I heaved a sigh of relief. I lived to fight another day.

I felt a tongue flick against my palm. I was still pressed up against Sarawat and had my hand on his mouth.

I quickly removed my hand and moved away.

"That was interesting", he said with a smirk.

"Umm... That...well...", I stuttered, too embarrassed to say anything coherent.

His gaze never left me as he stood leaning back, his hands in his pockets, one foot resting on the wall behind him.

He looked cool, unruffled and an all-round badass.

I looked idiotic, unhinged and an all-round fool.

I realized I was staring at him in a daze, with my mouth slightly open and my heartbeats a bit erratic. I was sure if I saw myself in a mirror, I'd look like a member of Sarawat's Wives.

A slow, but steady realization dawned upon me. I was alone with Sarawat. There were no other distractions.

This was the perfect moment.

Sarawat's POV

I think I did a great job of controlling myself from pouncing on Tine and claiming him as mine.

I leaned against the wall for support because my crazy heart couldn't take the happiness of seeing him. My hands were firmly in my pockets so I wouldn't be tempted to pull him close. My foot was planted on the wall so I wouldn't run to him.

He looked adorably flustered, his cheeks red, his hand nervously rubbing his long neck. I wanted to kiss that neck. Leave a hickey under his ear. Maybe a little lower. I imagined how he would look under his shirt.

Get it together, Wat. You can't force him to like you back. He likes girls. He doesn't think of you the same way you do about him.

"Will you be my boyfriend?", said Tine suddenly.

I was sure I was hearing things.

"Did you say something?", I asked. It was highly likely that my imagination, that used to be visual only, had suddenly turned on audio as well.

"I said, will you be my boyfriend", repeated Tine, louder and slower, as though he was trying to explain it to a five-year-old.

What the actual fuck?

"Before you get freaked, hear me out first", he said, palms up to stop me from freaking, presumably.

Sure, why would I freak? I'd only ever been dreaming and hoping and praying for this moment like a madman for the last year.

No biggie.

"I want you to be my pretend boyfriend", he clarified.

"Huh?", I'd lost the plot clearly.

"I need your help in convincing Green that you're my boyfriend so he'll leave me alone. I know this might cramp your style a bit. You are the college heart-throb, after all. Every girl wants to be your girlfriend, every boy wants to be you, etc. But I would really, really appreciate your help on this", he said, hands clasped and pleading.

Of course. Pretend boyfriend. My ballooning heart deflated quickly.

"What do I get out of this....arrangement?", I asked. I was on auto-pilot because my brain had partially shut down and my heart had retreated into a small corner.

"Whatever you want. I'll treat you to lunch, buy you drinks, carry your bag to class, do your laundry, clean your room. Whatever you need, you can tell me and I'll get it for you", he said, earnestly.

"I don't think you can give me what I need. Is this why you've been hanging around the Music Club? I don't appreciate you taking someone else's spot in the club if you're not even interested in music", I said coldly. I was hurt even though it wasn't really his fault.

"Then I'll practice hard and earn my place in the club. I'll audition for my spot day after tomorrow. But if I get through, you'll have to help me", he replied with determination.

"We'll see", I smirked, and unlocked the door.

"Hey, wait for me. Don't leave me alone in this classroom. It's seriously creepy", he said and quickly stepped in beside me.

"Do you even know how to play the guitar?", I asked, skeptically.

"I'll figure it out. I'm a quick learner. How hard could it be anyway?", said Tine, waving a hand airily.

Well, at least you couldn't fault him on confidence.

"What were you doing alone in there, anyway?", he asked.

My hand unconsciously patted the sheet of music I'd folded into my pocket. The love song I'd been composing in my free time.

"None of your business", I replied nonchalantly.

"Fair enough. Thanks again for not giving me away to Green today. I'll see you at the auditions", said Tine and went his way.

I stood looking in his direction long after he'd gone.

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