Author's Request

9.1K 184 25

Thank you everyone who has read 2gether Nights. 🙏

It's my first Wattpad book ever, and thanks to you, it has reached more than 3.3k reads in less than a week since the first chapter was published.

An author gets inspiration from reader feedback. I humbly request you to leave your thoughts, ideas and feedback in comments, and to vote for the chapters you like so I know what you want more of and what didn't leave as much of an impact.

I hope this doesn't make me seem like an attention seeker 😅

I'm requesting 2gether fans among you purely in the spirit of going in the right direction while preserving the spirit of the original characters.

I'm loving the way the characters are shaping up, esp Tine and Wat's friends. I also want to do some stories about their families. But I don't know if I should pursue these ideas or not.

Cheers and stay tuned for more Wat-Tine love.


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