20 - Win 2gether

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Author's note : 18+ mature content coming up.

Recommended soundtrack :
Vera - Hold


Sarawat's POV

Tine and I moved to the bedroom, our clothes forming a trail behind us.

Tine pushed me against the wall and pressed his body to mine. He boxed me in, with his hands on either side of my face, and kissed me voraciously.

His tongue took mine fiercely, hungrily. I moaned a little against his mouth as I felt his hands roaming down my body, from my shoulders, down my arms to my waist, further lower to my hips.

He licked and sucked my lower lip as he stroked my hard length in his hand. I closed my hand around his length and matched his actions stroke for stroke.

I put my other hand on his lower back and pulled him closer. Our fingers and our cocks rubbed against each other's in a heady cocktail.

Tine trailed his lips down my jawline to my throat, lightly licking and sucking on my Adam's apple. He moved down my chest, placing burning kisses on my torso. He knelt before me and took my erect, pulsing organ in his warm mouth.

I growled as he took me in fully, my head hitting the back of his throat. He sucked me up and down my shaft, twirling his tongue around the base of my cock. I held his head in both my hands as he continued to suck and lick my length.

He trailed his tongue lower, and took my balls in his mouth, sucking and releasing them with succulent "pop" sounds.

He gently nudged his nose between my legs to make room. Then he licked the rim of my hole.

I let out a long, low groan as he continued to lick my rim, light flicks of his tongue getting just past the entrance of my hole. It was exquisite.

I was very close to the edge. I pulled Tine up by his hair and locked his lips in a searing kiss.

We tumbled on the bed. I pulled Tine's legs over my shoulders and thrust myself into him.

Tine moaned loudly, his head thrown back in pleasure, his back arching off the bed.

He looked divine in the throes of passion.

I pumped in and out, hitting him deeper with every push.

I pressed my thumb into his mouth and he immediately sucked and lightly bit it.

I pulled his hips higher and pushed myself in harder.

We came bursting together, inside and out.

I lay beside Tine, panting. We kissed as we caught our breaths.

Tine turned me so I was lying on my stomach. He trailed butterfly kisses along my spine sending shivers down my body.

"I found one of the two moles" he said excitedly and kissed a spot on the side of my body, just below my ribs.

I smiled at the delight in his voice.

He continued to explore my body. His fingers caressed every inch of my skin, fleeting touches that left me wanting more.

I gasped as he kissed a spot on the underside of my left knee.

"Found it" he said triumphantly.

"Well done, Columbus", I said, smirking.

I was well and truly aroused by now.

I sat up to look properly at Tine.

He looked magnificent. Cheeks flushed a soft pink, lips swollen and plump, eyes heavy lidded and dark. His hair was tousled and messy.

His body bore the marks of our love-making - hickeys from my sucking kisses and small bruises where my fingers had gripped him hard. His chest and abs gleamed with sweat and his nipples were taut.

I bent forward to take one nipple between my teeth and pinched the other between my thumb and index fingers.

Tine let out a sharp cry, "More, Wat. Don't stop".

I pulled him on to my lap. He looked into my eyes with his lust-filled ones and lowered himself on to my waiting cock.

I nibbled and pinched his nipples as he rode me, moaning and shouting my name.

I slapped and squeezed his delicious butt with my free hand as he bounced on me.

I couldn't take my eyes off him. He closed his hand around his cock and stroked himself vigorously, his eyes closed as he drowned in pleasure.

His lips were parted slightly as he moaned soundlessly. I held his hips with both my hands and pulled him down harder on me.

He gripped my shoulders with his hands as he bounced faster. I bit his shoulder lightly and he gasped.

"Take me harder, Wat" he whispered hoarsely.

I pulled out briefly, turned him over so he was on his hands and knees, and thrust into him from behind.

"Come for me, Tine. I need you to come, baby" I spoke through gritted teeth as I banged into him harshly.

Tine let out a long, low groan and came spurting on to the sheets below him.

I emptied myself in him for the second time that night. Cum dripped down his thighs when I pulled out.

I took a damp towel and cleaned him off first, before wiping myself down.

We pulled the bedsheet off and lay on the mattress, too tired to find a replacement sheet.

Tine and I lay on our sides, facing each other. We looked at each other for some time, not speaking, no words were needed for us to know what we were feeling.

I touched his cheek gently with the back of my hand.

"I'm so glad I didn't give up on searching for you. I always knew in my heart that I would find you."

Tine looked at me with all the love in the world brimming in his eyes.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I'll kiss you till you drop. Challenge me, and I'll kiss you till you moan. Push me more, and I'll take you till you scream my name", I whispered.

Tine rolled his eyes and smirked. I captured his lips with mine, and kissed him till he was breathless. He twisted his fingers in my hair and pulled me in again. This time we kissed languidly, deep and slow, savouring the taste of our lips, our breaths becoming one.

"Thank you for everything, Wat. For looking for me, for giving me space when you found me, for making the effort to get to know me, for opening yourself up to me. For the million little things you do every day to show me that you care. For loving me so unconditionally. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" he said, tucking a tuft of my hair away from my eyes.

"I love you, my Nuisance", I said smiling at him.

"I love you too, my Charming Prince."

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