08 (b) - 2gether Healed

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Author's Note : A little rhyming in the titles for this story 😀

This will be a long chapter because I really want to give Tine and Wat that closure of realizing what that year-long search meant for them both. The series didn't really dwell on it much.

Recommended soundtrack : Christina Perri - A Thousand Years


Tine's POV

"Whoa, Phuak! Your review vlog hit 20k followers! Look at all the comments. Yikes, we've been banned from thirty two places. We have never even been to six of them. They're pre-emptively banning us!" said Ohm.

"This is the real mark of a celebrity", said Phuak smugly.

"Jeez! At this rate we will have to wear masks to cover our faces whenever we go out to eat", said Fong, resignedly.

The three continued to bicker, but my heart was not in it. It had been a week since that conversation with Wat. And I hadn't seen him since.

I still didn't know how to feel about all of it. I felt manipulated and lied to.

But life had been a lot less fun and a lot more lonely for me this last week. Even though I hung out with the terrible trio, I felt there was something missing.

Someone missing.

Everywhere I went, I felt his presence. And the lack of it. He had excused himself from the Music club. I did not see him on the field during cheer practice.

I had not called him or gone looking for him, but he was usually always around.

I came to realize that he'd put in conscious effort to find ways to be around me all this time.

We were in different faculties at opposite ends of the campus, so we did not share any classes or even meet on the way. And yet he'd always come around for lunch or a quick chat between classes.

He lived off campus, but waited to walk me to my dorm room no matter how late cheer practice went.

Even Man and Boss weren't around anymore, and I realized they too had gone out of their way to spend time with my friends and me.

P'Dim and Green were back to being their usual now-hot-now-cold selves, screaming at each other one second and kissing the next. I realized they were a crazy, impulsive couple who did crazy, impulsive things to drive each other up the wall. Green's pursuit of me was simply a tactic to make P'Dim jealous.

I thought back to how I'd accused Wat of setting Green at me and felt guilty.


"Just hear us out once. We come bearing gifts". Man and Boss were at my door, holding a six pack of beer and several packets of chips.

I smiled and let them in. They were goofy but harmless. And this last week, I had come to realize that they were amazing friends to Wat.

"We don't know what Wat told you. He can be an idiot sometimes when it comes to expressing himself. We came to tell you the truth as we know it. Then you can make up your mind about all of this," said Man.

I nodded. I wanted - no, needed - to hear this.

We snapped open three beers and settled down.

Man narrated his side of the story -
"It all started last year when he saw you at that concert. We have known Wat all our lives, but we had never seen him so animated and excited about anyone or anything before. He kept talking about you, and how he wanted to see you again.

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