10 (c) - 2gether Discovered

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Author's Note :

Recommended soundtrack for Man's POV :
Lobo - I'd love you to want me

Sarawat's POV

"Are you planning on drinking that, or are you just going to eat the straw instead", said Boss, looking curiously at me.

I was beyond nervous. I'd chewed the straw to a pulp.

Tine's brother scared me. He was a slightly shorter, just as handsome and much more serious version of Tine.

And he clearly didn't like me much.

So much for first impressions.

"Listen, I think you're over thinking this. He'll be gone tomorrow, and time, the great healer, will smooth everything out", said Man, philosophically.

"He almost found out about us. I had to sneak in after he'd fallen asleep to hide a photo of Tine and me. I don't know if he saw it", I said gloomily.

"Tine would have heard by now if he had. You worry too much", said Boss.

"Alright lads. I'm off to meet my date. She said I would experience something extraordinary today. Wish me luck" said Man, dusting imaginary flecks of dust off his sleeves.

"My boy might live up to his name and really become a man today" said Boss, wiping imaginary tears off his face.

The two of them could perform in carnivals for petty change.

I nodded at Man and went back into spiralling depression.

Man's POV

"Hello, beautiful" I said, walking up to a lissom beauty standing near the water fountain.

"Excuse me?" she said, looking me up and down suspiciously.

"I hope I'm not late for our date", I said, my spirits slightly dampened by her reaction.

"What date?", she said blankly.

"Hey Man, I'm here", said a voice to my right. A girl stood waving at me.

I recollected her vaguely. Then recognized her as the girl I'd drunkenly given my number to a few nights ago.

Note to self - Take a girl's picture along with her number.

"Of course, and may I say you look particularly lovely today", I immediately drifted to my right and took her hand.

She seemed unconvinced of my sincerity, but let it go.

"So what have you planned for us today? I remember you saying we would do something mind-blowing today", I said, honey dripping from my voice.

She smiled seductively and whispered, "Prepare to have your mind blown".

Fifteen minutes later, we sat in an auditorium attending a lecture on "Harnessing your inner strengths".

My date, whose name I couldn't remember, looked at me with shining eyes, "Isn't this mind-blowing?"

I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I wished someone would blow my brains out instead.

Half an hour into the lecture, my date had nodded off. I decided to take the opportunity to slip out.

Just as I stood up to leave, a vision appeared before my eyes.

The most gorgeous human being I had ever seen sat down on the seat beside mine.

Seeing me standing, he pulled back his legs to give me way.

I sat back down and smiled at him. "I don't think I've fully harnessed all my inner strengths yet", I said to him.

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