02 (a) - Moving In 2gether

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Author's note : Imagine this scene right after they move in together for the first time. 18+ content ahead. Most likely won't be able to hold myself back. I love Brightwin


Sarawat's POV

It's been a few months since Tine and I confessed our love to each other. And we have been inseparable since then.

I want him to be the last one I see before I sleep and the first one I see when I wake up every day.

Tine agreed to move in with me. Today is our first night in our new apartment.

Of course, Man and Boss have to display their idiotic fanboy love for us with a housewarming gift of a condom bouquet.

Tine blushes prettily when they hand him the bouquet. My heart skips a beat seeing his face turn pink.

Fuck, I love him more than life itself.

We don't use condoms with each other, but I think I can find a few ways to use them. Can't let a gift go to waste now, can we?

"I know what you're thinking. Stop right now, please. I can barely walk after our "activities" last night", pouts Tine.

I can't blame him. He makes me lose control every time he moans and gasps my name in bed. Actually, I lose control when he calls my name even when we're not in bed.

"What? I didn't say a word", I mumble, rubbing the back of my neck with my left hand. I'm embarrassed he caught me so easily.

"Sure", replies Tine, sarcastically.

I smile crookedly at him, and put my head on his shoulder. "You know I love you, right", I ask in a low voice that I know he likes. I turn my head slightly to nuzzle his neck.

I love how he immediately responds to me. He closes his eyes and leans his head back, exposing his neck to my mouth. His lips part slightly, and he bites his lower lip.

I trail my fingers down to his shorts and palm his length. He's almost fully hard. I know I'm already hard myself.

I stroke him through his shorts. "Should I stop, baby?" I whisper into his ear.

"I'll kill you if you do", he replies harshly.

I smile and pull him into a passionate kiss.

Tine's POV

This boy needs to be taught a lesson. If you want to be a tease, you must be prepared to bear the consequences.

I deepen our kiss, cupping his face with both my hands and letting my tongue taste his mouth. I pull back when I'm satisfied, leaving him breathless.

Fuck, that was hot.

I push Wat lightly on the chest and he falls on his back to lay on the bed. He reaches out to pull me close, but I lean back out of his reach.

I climb off our bed. I have a plan to make him beg me to let him fuck me tonight.

I switch off the lights in our room, leaving the night light downstairs to render a soft reflected glow.

I return to the bed armed with a few accessories.

"Come to me, Tine", says Wat, opening his arms wide.

Before he realizes anything, I secure his right wrist to the bedpost with some packing tape. Followed quickly by his left wrist.

"What are you doing, Tine? Free me, please. I want to hold you", Wat says with a smile that changes quickly to a frown.

I shake my head as I pull his shorts down to his knees. He lets out a low moan as my fingers graze his length.

I leave his erect cock exposed while he's still wearing his t-shirt. He is aroused and angry at the same time.

He looks unbelievably fuckable

I pull off my shorts, and stroke my hardness with one hand. I can see Wat following every movement of my hand as I pleasure myself. He growls and tries to free his wrists. No luck.

He watches me hungrily as I unbutton my shirt all the way down with my free hand, but don't take it off. I trail my fingers from my jaw to my belly and back up to my neck.

I close my eyes and let a small moan escape my lips.

It drives Wat wild

He half-screams, half-begs for me to unbind him.

I shake my head. I'm just getting started.

Sarawat's POV

Watching Tine touch himself, and not being able to add my touch to his body is driving me crazy.

I pull hard at the bedpost, but my hands are tied with extra strong, premium grade packing tape that I had insisted on buying. Talk about a self-goal.

Tomorrow, I'll finish the job by digging my own grave and lying down in it myself.

That is if I survive this torture tonight.

My dick is leaking pre-cum just from the view. He hasn't even touched me properly. Yet.

I gulp when he sits in front of me, close enough for me to see every inch of his perfect body, but far enough that I can't touch him even with my legs. He has a strange smile playing on his lips. It scares me.

His lean, taut body stretches in the most beautiful ways as he reaches behind him and pulls out a condom from the bouquet.

He rips the packet with his teeth and unrolls it on my cock.

"You'll need this, baby", he smirks

Shit, I'm dead.

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