19 - Bright 2gether

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Recommended soundtrack :
Blue - One Love


Tine's POV

Someone was turning the door handle from the outside. It was locked, and Wat had a key.

I opened the door to see who it was.

"Oh hello, lovey. How are you?" said the lady at the door with a bright smile.

I wai'd and greeted her, "Good afternoon, may I help you?"

"I'm here to see Sarawat. Does he live here by any chance?" she said, tilting her head to one side cutely.

"Yes, he does. Please come in. Is he expecting you?" I said, moving to one side and gesturing for her to enter our home.

"Oh yes, I let him know I would come to visit today. And who would you be?" she said, plonking on the couch and making herself comfortable.

I placed a glass of water on a tray and offered it to her. "I'm his roommate. Maybe I can help?"

"You're such a kind boy. And handsome too. And you seem familiar, for some reason. Do you have any stage experience?" she said, tilting her head to one side again. It was an endearing gesture.

"No way" I replied with a laugh, "I can't sing or dance to save my life. Please make yourself comfortable. I'll let Wat know you're here".

"Oh that's okay. I'm happy to wait a little while. Come sit with me in the meantime. Let's chat for a bit. What's your name, lovey?" she said kindly.

I pulled up a chair and placed it before her. I noticed the door was still open and moved to close it.

"Oh leave it open, dear. My partner will join us soon. He went to park the car. He's probably wandering around somewhere trying to find the right floor and the right door. He'll figure it out eventually" she said, waving her hand airily.

I left the door open and sat down before her, a bit puzzled.

She was middle-aged, slightly plump and extremely pretty, with large, crinkled eyes that seemed to be full of fun and kindness. She had a wide mouth that smiled easily, and was dressed casually in scuffed jeans and a loose kaftan.

She carried a large jute bag stuffed with posters and booklets of some sort.

I wondered what she wanted from Wat.

"May I know what you're here for?" I asked politely.

"Oh of course, lovey. I'm here to invite Sarawat to the opening night of my play. It's the day after tomorrow. You should come too", she said and handed me a booklet.

It was a program for what seemed like a big budget musical in the largest theatre in the city.

I opened the program to read through it, when the lady called out and waved to someone at the door.

"Benjy, yoo hoo! We are here, darling. Come join us", she said happily.

A tall, thin, bespectacled gentleman leaned against the door. He had long hair pulled into a pony tail and stood with a languid grace.

"I could swear I found A-91 somewhere there" he said, pointing vaguely in the direction from which he came.

"I believe you completely. But the flat you should have been looking for was B-27" said the lady, highly amused but not particularly surprised.

"Oh. That explains a lot. Although the ladyboy who lives in A-91 seems like a nice person too. She gave us an open invitation to join her and her friends for coffee if we couldn't find the right flat. Did you find the right place though? Or are we having tea with this young man before we begin our quest again?" he said in a mellow, unhurried voice.

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