17 (a) - Anticipating 2gether

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Author's note : I don't know what direction this is going to take..... I make it up as I go along, so I'm as excited as any of you to discover how it goes for WatTine.

Recommended soundtrack :
J.Lo - My love don't cost a thing


Tine's POV

"We had a good run while it lasted. It was nice knowing you", Wat said, gloomily shaking my hand.

I rolled my eyes. "Stop being so dramatic and put your seatbelt on. We're about to take off".

Wat and I were sitting beside each other on the flight to Phuket to meet my parents.

I could see Wat was in low spirits and extremely nervous. I patted his hand.

We were never touchy-feely in public.

Barring the kiss at the airport when I returned from home last time.

And the kiss at the restaurant on our anniversary.

And a few times around campus.

Okay, so we tried to not be touchy-feely in public.

Wat looked miserable. I had more misery to add, with a sudden realization.

"Wat, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I realized just now that we will most likely sleep in separate rooms while we're at my parents'. That means no sex for the next three nights", I said, my voice hesitant.

"That won't be a huge problem. I don't think I could get it up after I meet your parents anyway", said Wat, hollowly.

I looked at his worried face and my heart melted. But he still looked extremely sexy with a frown on his face, looking thoughtfully out the window.

I leaned slightly closer to his ear. "Wat, do you want to join the mile high club?" I whispered.

Wat turned to me immediately, the dullness in his eyes starting to dissipate. His cheeks flushed and the tip of his nose turned red.

He was aroused. He nodded wordlessly.

I waited for the seatbelt sign to be turned off. I signalled to Wat to follow my lead.

I retched and staggered to the toilet, holding on to Wat for support. I entered and pretended to vomit, while Wat stood outside.

An air hostess seemed very concerned.

"Sir, is your friend okay? Does he need medical assistance?" she enquired, worried.

"He will be fine, he gets airsick. I may need to stand with him though, he gets very weak when he vomits" said Wat, and came into the toilet, closing the door behind him.


"Even if nothing else goes right on this trip, I would still die happy having done what we just did" said Wat, buckling his seatbelt again with a wide smile.

I chuckled at his upbeat mood. Sex on a flight was HOT.

I had not told Wat about my conversation with Dad. I did not want to take Dad's understanding for granted. He needed to have the chance to make up his mind about Wat after meeting him.

The one I was truly worried about was Mom. She was the backbone of our family, and was fiercely independent in her opinions. She had not single-handedly set up one of the largest fashion brands in the continent just by fluke.

Neither Dad not P'Type could do anything to sway her if she decided not to approve of us.

I glanced at Wat. I had to protect him at all costs.

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