18 - AMA 2gether

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Wat-Tine were asked to do an AMA (Ask Me Anything) for Phuak's vlog.


Ohm and Fong's Question :
Is Wat always the top?

Tine : Shiyaaa! You just assumed he's the top. You didn't even ask "Who is the top?". It could be either of us. Don't presume things.

Wat : Yes.

(No one is surprised)


Boss's Question :
What do you think looks the best on your partner?

Tine : Anything he wears looks good on him, but I think he looks the best in dark colors.

Wat : Me. I look the best on him. And in him.

(Slow claps from Man and P'Dim)


Green and P'Dim's Question :
Which holiday destination would you prefer - the beach or the mountains?

Tine : The beach. We could swim in the water all day, eat fresh seafood, watch the sunset, walk along the beach at night.

Wat : The mountains. We would stay in bed all the time trying to keep each other warm.

(P'Dim makes reservations at a mountain lodge)


Phukong's Question :
What is the best quality you see in your partner?

Tine : His kind-heartedness

Wat : His warmth

Follow-up Question - What is one quality that you wish your partner would improve on?

Tine : His possessiveness, sometimes it is unreasonable. Like the other day, he got all jealous about Phukong and me going to the movies together. He sulked all day about it. I got punished so badly for it, I could hardly walk the next morning.

Wat : Nothing. Tine's perfect just the way he is.

Tine : Yikes! Now I feel bad about my answer. But I'll stick to it 😆


Mil's question :
Would you stay friends if you ever broke-up?

Tine : We'll stay friends always because we are never going to break-up.

Wat : Next question.

(Phukong on the side - P'Mil, we're never breaking up either, just FYI)


Diane's question :
If you had to re-live one day of your life, which one would it be?

Tine : The day I admitted to myself and to Wat that I loved him. I had this sudden moment of clarity, almost like a switch that flipped on inside me. I had never been more sure of anything in my life as I was about the fact that I loved Wat.

I cannot forget the way his face lit up when I confessed my feelings. My heart just burst into sunshine and rainbows. To see that much love and longing for you in someone's eyes, and to know that you have given yourself to them, is indescribable.

Every moment of that day (and since) is a moment I want to experience again and again with Wat.

Wat : The day I found Tine after having searched for him for the last year. I had decided to leave things up to Fate by then, Man and Boss were worried about me and trying their best to keep me sane. I'd decided to live life one day at a time.

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