12 (b) - Others 2gether

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Author's Note : PhukongMil and ManType begin. Also, unintentional rhyming of the titles of the chapters in this story 😀

Recommended soundtrack :
ManType : Laura Welsh - Undiscovered
PhukongMil : Maggie Lindemann - Knocking on your heart


Sarawat's POV

"Thank you for a wonderful lunch, Pi" said Tine, smiling.

"It was my pleasure, Nong", said P'Type, smiling back.

Their relationship had affection, trust, care and respect.

Basically, nothing like Phukong and me.

"The steak was delicious, Pi", I added. In all honesty, I had barely noted its taste. I was still pretty nervous around P'Type.

P'Type nodded genially. He was five years older than us, and worked as a project manager at a multinational firm in our city.

He was sophisticated and smart. He was very no-nonsense, but always courteous and well spoken.

If I had even an iota of his poise and gravitas, I would consider myself lucky.

"I hear your brother is in town, Sarawat. Does he know about you two?" said P'Type.

I nodded.

"He does and he's adorable. Makes me wish I had a Nong too", replied Tine, his voice warm.

P'Type looked thoughtful, but didn't say anything.

"He already loves Tine more than he loves me. He would never do anything that would hurt Tine, even unintentionally. And he knows when to be discreet", I said, looking at P'Type.

P'Type nodded, reassured.

"Let's take a picture together", said Tine, and took a selfie of the three of us.


"P'Man? What are you doing here at this hour?" said Phukong, rubbing his eyes. It was 3 am.

Man wordlessly barged into the bedroom and shook me awake.

"What the hell?" I shouted, more out of surprise than anything else.

Tine awoke and sat up beside me.

Man took out his phone and pointed to the photo Tine had posted on IG.

"You knew him all this time and you didn't tell me?" he whispered, looking deranged.

"Man, calm down. Who are you talking about?" said Tine, in a soothing voice.

Man pointed at P'Type's face in the photo.

"That's my brother. So?" said Tine, puzzled.

It suddenly dawned on me.

"No, no, no. Man, please tell me this is not what I think it is", I said, a cold pit of dread forming in my stomach.

Man nodded slowly, a crazy smile starting to form on his face.

P'Type was going to kill me.

Type's POV

"Good morning, Type. It's good to see you working hard", said my supervisor, Khun Lila.

"Thank you, Khun", I wai'd to her.

"I've come to lighten your workload just a little bit. Meet Thitipong Kurupintsiri, your new intern", said Kh'Lila..

I looked at the intern appraisingly. Nothing that I saw gave me hope that he would be of any help to me.

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