12 (a) - Brothers 2gether

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Author's Note : Phukong makes his entry.

Recommended soundtrack :
Calvin Harris, Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry - Feels

I feel like both brothers bring different energies to the story 💜❤️

Sarawat's POV

"What the hell are you doing here? And why didn't you call before just showing up at my doorstep like this?" I snapped.

My little brother, like all little brothers, was a pain.

"And good morning to you too, bro" drawled Phukong, completely unconcerned, and pushed his way inside without an invitation.

"Whoa! This room ended before it even began. Why are you living in a mousehole? Did the folks at LCoHol finally realize what a hack you are and stop paying you to play?" he smirked, wandering around the flat happily.

Like I said, irritating.

"You're welcome to leave any minute now", I said, arms crossed over my chest.

"Hey, I was just teasing you, bro. I love this place. It's nice and cosy. I'm going to enjoy staying here for the next few days", he said, settling himself comfortably on the couch with a bottle of juice from the fridge.

"What do you mean the next few days?", I sputtered. This was news to me.

"Mom said she told you last week. Maybe she meant to call you but dialled someone else instead. Or maybe she wrote a letter and forgot to post it. You know how she gets during theatre season", said Phukong, casually sipping from the bottle.

I sighed and ran my hand over my eyes to calm myself. I loved Mom more than life itself, but she was way too scatterbrained.

There were times when I wondered how my parents survived this long, given how incapable they sometimes seemed to be in performing simple day to day tasks.

"Okay, listen. There are some ground rules. You'll sleep out here on the couch. You will not enter the bedroom, ever. And you will not speak a word of what I'm about to tell you right now to Mom or Dad, or I will kill you with my bare hands", I said, in my most serious voice.

Phukong smiled sweetly at me.

I took a deep breath, "I have a boyfriend. His name is Tine. We live together, here obviously. He will be home in an hour. You'll meet him then."

"Are you trying to tell me that my brother, Sarawat the Strong but Silent, has actually managed to find someone who can put up with him? And not some brainless bimbo, but a law student who looks like a supermodel? There's hope left for me, after all!" said Phukong, raising his hands in a hallelujah.

"One second, how do you know what he looks like?" I said, shocked.

"Elementary, dear Watson. I saw law textbooks and his picture on the study table in the bedroom. Also, P'Man added me to the WatTine Fan Club on Facebook months ago", he said rolling his eyes.

"There's a fan club?" I exclaimed.

"Yes, and it is filled with blurry and odd-angle shots of the two of you around campus, apparently taken by members of Sarawat's Wives from behind bushes. It's fun reading the comments stream though. I've bookmarked a few for future use against you", remarked Phukong.

"Do mom and dad know?" I said, panicking now. The whole world seemed to know about us.

"You know they don't believe in the concept of social media. They call it the Curse of the Millennials. But you never know how something might accidentally reach their ears", said Phukong, observing his fingernails closely.

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