01 (b) - 2gether for the First Time

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Author's note : This is 18+ material right here. Mature content warning. You might feel thirsty after this.

Recommended soundtrack for this chapter : Sam Smith and Demi Lovato - I'm Ready


Sarawat's POV

Fuck, Tine was beyond sexy.

His angelic looks were clearly deceiving. He was the Devil in his temptations.

I couldn't control myself any longer.

I pushed him on the bed so he lay on his back. I needed to prepare him. He wouldn't be spared tonight.

I covered his mouth with mine as I tasted him again. He moaned louder, his fingers twisting in my hair, his back arching to press his body against mine.

We broke apart only to pull our t-shirts off. Our jeans and boxers followed shortly. I paused and leaned back to look at him.

He was so handsome. Glowing skin, toned muscles, washboard abs, slightly leaner than I was. He fit perfectly into the space created by my body.

I could feel his hard length grind against mine as he moved his hips impatiently.

His eyes were clouded with desire, his voice almost pleading, "Don't make me wait any more, Wat".

I trailed kisses down his jaw, his neck, nipping at his earlobes. My nose traced a line down his chest, my tongue quickly flashed out to lick one taut nipple.

Tine moaned loudly "Fuucckkk....Waattt...."

I could come just from hearing him moaning my name like that.

I moved further down his body and hovered over his hard length. I licked the tip of his member, tasting him. Then I slowly took his entire length in my mouth, sucking and teasing him all along.

He wove his fingers through my hair and pushed my head, directing me where he wanted me to go. I was lost in the rhythm, consuming him.

His moans grew louder. I could feel him throbbing. He came gushing in my mouth. I licked him clean.

I parted his thighs and looked up at him. He nodded. I spit his cum on to my fingers, and used it to lubricate his hole. I pushed one finger in, slowly.

He hissed and then moaned as I pushed in and out, finding his sweet spot. I knew I'd hit it when he bucked his hips and scratched my back with his fingers.

I slowly pushed a second finger, and then a third. Tine was trembling by this time, his head thrown back in pleasure.

Tine's POV

Every fibre of my being wanted to be taken by Sarawat. His fingers pleasured me till I was beyond senseless. I could not even imagine the heights to which I'd go with him inside.

I could only beg him now.

"Aaaaahhhh. Wat, fuck me. Please. I want to feel you in me"

He held my hips with both his hands, paused for a split second, and then rammed into me.

I gasped from the pain. He kissed me deeply, distracting me. He pushed into me again. I moaned against his lips as he hit my sweet spot.

"Fuucckkk... Tine... baby... You're so hot, so tight, so unbelievably perfect" he panted as he pounded into me.

"Take me harder. I want to feel you, all of you", I struggled to get the words out between my gasps. Every stroke brought me to the brink of blissful oblivion.

Wat sat up straighter between my legs, held my hips with his hands and gave into it freely. He threw his head back in a long, low growl as he came inside me.

His warmth filled me and I came bursting with him, wetting my abs with my cum.

He pulled out and wiped me clean with his t-shirt. Then he lay on me, with his head on my chest.

"You're mine forever now, Teepakorn."


Three hours later, we were in the throes of our Nth round. I rode him, seated on his lap.

My hands gripped his broad shoulders, leaving red marks on his skin. His fingers dug into my hips as he pulled me down on his hard cock.

Our bodies were covered in hickeys, bite marks and five-fingered scratches.

"Aannhhh... I want you deeper... Fuck me harder, Wat"

"Your wish is my command, my king", Wat said hoarsely. He lifted me off his lap, and laid me on my stomach.

He positioned himself between my knees and rammed into me. I arched my back and screamed his name.

I had lost count of the number of times we had come already. The bedsheets were unfit for future use, my table was slick with cum, the floor needed to be mopped and one of the walls was now stained.

"Just this once, Tine, come for me just one last time", he coaxed me. As if upon his command, I came again, my cum leaking slowly in a long drawn orgasm.

I surrendered myself to the endless pleasure that he was giving me. Every time I thought I had nothing more left in me, Wat would draw me to a new height of ecstacy.

To see him give himself to me so completely, like I was giving myself to him, filled me with so much love and happiness, I thought my heart would burst.

I turned around and pulled his head down for a kiss.

"You are mine forever now, Saraleo"

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