08 (a) - 2gether Revealed

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Author's Note : This is when Tine discovers the truth about Wat's history with him. A bit of angst.

Recommended soundtrack : Sam Smith - How do you sleep?


Tine's POV

Wat and I walked out of the Scrubb concert together. I'd had a great time. I think I enjoyed it more because I was with Wat.

I'd started hanging out with him a lot more now. I found that I was bumping into him everywhere, our friend circles had merged and we ended up doing things together all the time.

Wat was beyond handsome. But that was not what made him special. He was thoughtful and kind-hearted. He did small things for the people around him that showed how he cared.

He took care of Man when he was sick, bringing him food and meds, and staying over with him. He did Boss's project work when Boss injured his knee playing footie.

He helped P'Air put up posters and distributed flyers for her lost cat all around the campus. His fan club marshalled their forces and found her cat within an hour.

He drove P'Dim and his band across the city in his SUV for a music fest. He wasn't even playing with them, but helped them carry their equipment.

And as for me, he comforted me in a million different ways.

Cold drinks after cheer practice, hot meals during Music club activities, helping me with guitar lessons.

Every Wednesday, he walked with me to the elective I was taking in the Architecture faculty because none of my friends were taking it and it was a long way across campus.

It was so easy to talk to him, no drama. We discussed music, Scrubb, movies, Scrubb, places we'd been to, Scrubb, food we had eaten, Scrubb. Okay, maybe I was the only one obsessed with Scrubb, but I liked their songs even more when Wat played and sang them.

"How did you know they would play Deep at the end?" asked Wat. I'd called it long before they played it.

"I know all their concert sets by heart. I knew what they would end with the minute I heard the first song they played. I danced  to the same set more than a year ago at the first Scrubb concert I ever attended, right here at this venue", I said smugly.

"I know" said Wat, smiling at me.

"What? How would you know that?", I said, puzzled.

"You told me once. Let's go to LCoHol, the gang's already there and they're about to start without us. I don't want to spend all evening babysitting them", said Wat, rolling his eyes and steering me towards his car.

I did not remember telling him about my first Scrubb concert.


The after-party was at Boss's room.

We had to make a hasty retreat from the bar when Phuak was attacked by a food stall owner he'd reviewed a few weeks ago. The review had been cold, stale and unsavoury, just like the food. I know because I was a victim of the assault on my taste buds.

We were all suitably inebriated. Boss was smiling in a happy daze, Man was singing a mournful song about his Mystery Seminar Man, Ohm was sobbing about a long-lost girlfriend in a corner with Fong comforting him, Phuak had passed out.

Just a typical night for us.

"Do you want to get some fresh air? We can bring back some snacks and hangover drinks for these idiots" asked Wat.

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